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Thursday, 1 October 2020

Meeting 1069 - Holiday Feelz

 The holiday mood was obvious with reduced numbers present, but whilst small in number it was a dynamic Meeting. It started with Dan telling of his favourite holiday activities and reading the Mission Statement.

President Leanne congratulated Chris H for completing Level 1 of his Pathways Innovative Planning Project. This makes 4 Members who have achieved this milestone. Members were informed that Gail is not well and a card wishing her well was distributed to those present to sign.

Chris H.

Chris H as Toastmaster set the scene by wearing an Hawaiian shirt, and offered snippets of holiday activities that everyone could enjoy. He welcomed return Guest Peter.

Program changes were extensive but efficiently adjusted, which showed obvious previous consultation and willingness of Members to step in. Well done all.

Round Robin was conducted by Gokul, with the theme "When someone says Holiday, what is the first thing that comes to mind". Everyone had happy memories to contribute.


Timer for the first half of the Meeting was Dan, (taking the holiday theme too far by looking so relaxed) and during the second part Timer was Darryl.


All transitions between the "virtual" and "real" went very smoothly, a credit to the technical people who seem to have this pattern sorted well.

Speech 1 by Peter, entitled "Getting Things Done" was evaluated by Marlene.



Speech 2 by Liz We, about Project Management, was evaluated by Paul.

Li We.


Speech 3 by Darryl "You Decide" was evaluated by Christiane.


Raffle Master and well travelled Christiane provided a "mystery" prize which consisted of items from 3 different countries, and the only hint was that they could be used in the kitchen and dining room. The winner was Peter and he revealed the Cook Book from Germany, Sheep salt and pepper shakers from New Zealand, and Coasters from Switzerland. 

Following a delicious supper provided by Leanne, the Speech Fest continued.

Speech 4 - Leanne presented her speech "Missing Out" which was evaluated by Annette.



Speech 5 - Trish spoke on "Purposeful Body Language" and gave excellent examples. It was evaluated by Darryl.


The General Evaluation was presented by Liz Wo.

Liz W.


Best Speech, Leanne, Best Evaluation, Paul, and Most Improved, Peter.

Peter and Leanne

Friday, 25 September 2020

Meeting 1068 - Memories of Sydney Olympics

 Sergeant at Arms Dan once again opened the Meeting, and gave a vote of thanks to the Full Moon Hotel for obliging with the Meeting Room. President Leanne, duly attired in Green and Gold, welcomed Members, then presented J.P. in person with his Membership badge.

Leesa and Leanne


JP and Leanne

Toastmaster Leesa set the theme with her Green and Gold outfit, including Gold Medal (borrowed from her Son). She led the Room with an "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oh Oh Oh" and those on Zoom joined in. Leesa asked John T to introduce Guest Peter. Another guest was Philomena, who has attended previous meetings.

The Toast by Liz We. was about being Competitive.

Liz We.

WordMaster JP gave us "Blaze", and this word was used by many throughout the segments all night.


Liz Wo. started the Round Robin with the question - Tell about your most vivid memory of the Opening or Closing Ceremony of the Sydney Olympic Games. There were many and varied responses, including Jonathon who did not recall one single thing about the event, as he was off trekking in Nepal.

Liz Wo.


Speech 1 by Marlene, entitled "The Water Thief" was evaluated by Carmy.



Chris H.

Speech 2 by Chris H, entitled "Who doesn't love the Granite Belt" was evaluated by Liz We.

Chris D.

Chris D. provided an update on the times very efficiently.

Table Topics by Gail were all "Olympic Games" themed - Dan told of the Olympic Rings, Trish about the Torch Relay, Paul commented on the Medal Ceremony, Peter gave his theory on the motto "Faster, Higher, Stronger", Leanne told us about the Importance of Participation and JP spoke of the Mascot.


These topics were evaluated by Christiane and Jonathon.



The Raffle was provided by Trish, one of her Books, which I am sure is not as blurry to read as the cover, and was won by Leesa.


Speech 3 by Hazel titled "The Manipulative Strategies and Tactics of Real Estate Agents", was evaluated by Trevor.


Speech 4 by John T. "Weapons" was evaluated by Paul.

John T.

Listening Quiz was short and sharp by Peter, as time was the enemy.

Leanne presented the Grammarian segment, noting highlights like Weird Wide Web, and areas to improve, noting the correct pronunciation of Granite.

The General Evaluation by Darryl gave a good wrap up of the proceedings, again condensed owing to time limits.



Best Speech Hazel, Best Evaluator Paul, Best Table Topic Trish, and Most Improved Chris D.

Chris D. and Paul and Leanne

Before closing the Meeting, JP wished to advise that he will be leaving the Club, we wish him well whatever he pursues in the future.

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Meeting 1067 - Contests

Unfortunately, the original blog post with details of this meeting  has mysteriously disappeared.

It was a hybrid meeting, thanks to The Full Moon Hotel, who allowed us to conduct the contest in their room, since our new meeting place is currently in lockdown. The contestants attended onsite with the rest of the club attending online. 

Darryl won the Evaluation Contest and John won the Humorous Speech Contest. Here are a few salvaged photos.

Welcome - Covid style

Gokul and J.P.

S.A.A. Dan

V.P.E Gail
President Leanne

Contest Chairman John with winners of Evaluation Contest

Friday, 28 August 2020

Meeting 1066 - Springtime

After an Introduction by Sargeant at Arms Dan, President Leanne welcomed guest Joy and Area Director Kirsty. As this Meeting had to change to a total Zoom format, it was pleasing to see 25 attendees.



Guest Joy

As Toastmaster for the evening Trevor promised a slick packed program and kept everything moving along.


Word Master Chris H. gave us the word SALUBRIOUS, with the explanation as "favourable to or promoting well being". More than half the Members used it in correct context and JP even used it in his speech.

Chris H.

Round Robin by Hazel asked "What comes to mind when you hear Springtime". There were some uplifting and inspiring responses.



Set Speeches - Carmy presented "Communication is the Key" and was evaluated by Leesa.


JP presented "The Philosophy of Life" which was evaluated by Jonathon.


Trish's speech was entitled "Are you Listening" and the evaluator was Dan.


Raffle Master Monica gave us a "virtual" Bonsai Tree with instructions, and the winner was JP.


As Table Topics Master, Casey was inspired by the Springtime theme and gave topics to Chris D, Liz Wo, Hazel, Leanne, Gail and Darryl (this last one had a twist - "Do you prefer a spring mattress or latex". 

Chris D

Liz Wo.



The Speakers were evaluated by Paul and Peter.



The Business Meeting was chaired by John T, and required an extension of time to finalise important matters and motions.

John T.

Area Director Kirsty in her first official visit, offered support as always and praised our Club's ability to adjust to the current restrictions.

Timer Christiane had a novel way of displaying the timing lights - by changing the colour of her Tshirt to indicate the times. Well done Christiane.


Grammarian Liz We. gave a very good wrap up of the word usage, like triplets and alliteration, and reminded everyone to avoid the ums and ahs by using pause.


General Evaluator Gokul was comprehensive in his report on the whole evening's agenda. Congratulations for listening so well.


Awards: Best Speech, JP, Best Evaluator, Jonathon, Best Table Topic, Leanne, and Most Improved was a tie with Carmy and Dan.

Next Meeting is a Contest night, fingers crossed it will be in a real meeting format. Apologies for missing photos of Toastmasters.