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Thursday, 24 October 2019

Meeting 1048 "Superheroes Fictional/Non Fictional"

 It was good to see Liz, Leesa and Trevor back from their travels.   

President Gail welcomed guests Chris, Jason, Amanda, Veronica and Tania and handed control to Toastmaster of the evening, Leesa.           

Christiane announced that her father had been her hero, and proposed a toast to "Our Dads."


Carmy's Red Robin took the form of a continuing story, with everyone adding  to the tale which took many hilarious twists and turns.

Peter presented his final speech project from the Competent Communicator manual. He spoke about the Sandgate Park Run and urged his listeners to take part. 

Stephen also completed  the Competent Communicator manual, with his thought-provoking speech, "Critical Thinking."


Peter's speech was evaluated by Trevor. Darryl evaluated Stephen's speech.


Casey, who will be competing in the Humorous Speech Contest at the Area Conference had a practice run of her speech and received feedback from a group evaluation led by Marlene.
Christiane - raffle

Christiane presented her mystery raffle. She would only reveal that it was be to used by two people and would require some cooking skills. It was won by Casey.

Timekeeper Vaughan reported that we were a bit behind time, so supper time was shortened slightly. 
Thanks to Blake for providing supper.

Supper Time

Table Topics Master Gokul had some challenging topics for Trish, Chris, Christiane, Trevor, Annette and John.
Annette - No heroes, only villains
Trish -  A Superhero because...
Chris - Woke up in Superman suit
Trevor - Good out of bad

Christiane - Power equals Resposibility
John - Favourite type of Superhero
They were evaluated by Jonathon and John.


Annette presented a helpful educational session on impromptu speaking - particularly in Table Topics.  She mentioned the P.R.E.P. method, (Make a Point, give a Reason, Example, repeat Point) and also suggested using fact when answering a topic we know something about and fiction for an unknown topic. 

Grammarian Trish reported that there had been very few "Ums" during the meeting. She also suggested using strong phrases and avoiding using the passive voice.


Gail gave an evaluation of the entire meeting.


The evenings awards went to Gokul (Most Improved,) Darryl (Best Evaluator,) John (Best Table Topic,) and Peter (Best Speech.)

Award winners 22 Oct 2019

As there are 5 Tuesdays this month, there will be an extra meeting next Tuesday, 29th October.

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Meeting 1047 Octoberfest"

Welcome to our two new members, Gokul and Dan, who were inducted at our meeting by president Gail.

Gokul, & Dan inducted by Gail

Toastmaster for the evening was Paul, who explained that the "Octoberfest" festival had originally been a celebration of the wedding of Bavaria's Crown Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese.


The word for the evening "Kaput"  meaning broken or useless was chosen by Chris,

Since Octoberfest is very popular in Germany, Dan proposed a toast to" German Culture."

Gokul conducted the Round Robin inviting everyone to speak for 20 seconds about a festival they had attended.


There were three prepared speeches, all featuring interesting personal experiences. Gail  spoke about mentors that she'd had in her early teaching career.

Her speech was evaluated by Blake.


John's speech on conversational styles was also based on his teaching experiences. He told how his gregarious jovial style did not go down well with an authoritarian head teacher.

The speech was evaluated by Jonathon.


Christiane presented her Pathways Icebreaker speech and told how she had found the celebration of Christmas very different from what she was used to when she first emigrated to Australia.

Her speech was evaluated by Darryl.


Darryl had brought a selection of alcoholic drinks  - and a box of chocolates for the raffle.  It was won by Annette, who is a teetotaller, but said she knew where to put them to good use.

Timekeeper Vaughan gave his report. Time to take a break and enjoy the supper provided by Stephen.

Darryl - raffle

The Business Session was chaired by Stephen. The main item discussed was the Area Conference to be held at North Lakes in November.

Stephen - Chairman

Table Topics Master Carmy had topics for  Monica, Dan, Gokul, Steve, Chris, Eileen, Peter and Paul.

Unfortunately, the photographer was engrossed in the topics and forgot to take more than a few photos.



The Table Topics were evaluated by Casey and Annette. 


Eileen presented a Soap Box segment and complained about people who use mobile phones when driving or when stopped at traffic lights, often causing accidents.

Grammarian Peter reported some descriptive use of words and gave suggestions for avoiding "filler" words. 


Trish gave a very comprehensive evaluation of the meeting. One of the things she mentioned was to avoid the use of the word "but" in evaluations as it negates the positive points.


President Gail presented the evenings awards to Gokul (Best Table Topic and Most Improved), John (Best Speech), and Jonathon (Best Evaluation).

Award winners 8th Oct 2019

Next meeting Tuesday, 22nd October.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Table Topics & International Speech Contests

Another exciting contest night!

President Gail opened the meeting and welcomed our first time visitors Chris and Steve as well as the contest judges Alan, Rod, Lisa, Teena, Terry,  Kirsty and Jenny.

Contest Judges

Trish was Toastmaster.  Stephen proposed a toast.

All participants were briefed before the contests.

Table Topics Contestants being briefed

Blake warmed up the audience with a comedy act.


John T was Contest Toastmaster for the Table Topics contests, with Leanne, Peter, Annette & Trish competing.

John T
TT Participants

 The topic was "With the going down of the sun."

And the winner was... Leanne,  with Trish in second place, and Annette in third place.

Leanne with John

Table Topics - Peter, Trish, Leanne, Annette

Jonathon was Contest Toastmaster for the International Speech Contest. Participants were Peter, Trish, Darryl, & Eileen.

Participants- Peter, Trish, Darryl, Eileen with Jonathon

The winner was Trish, with Darryl second & Eileen third. 

Eileen, Trish & Darryl

The winners of the contests will compete against winners from other Toastmasters Clubs at the Area Conference in November.

John's raffle (Wine, chocolates and crisps) was won by Monica.

Division Director Jenny had a special announcement....
 Our previous Division Director Rod has been awarded Division Director of the Year 2018 - 2019.
Jenny & Rod
 Congratulations Rod! Congratulations to all who took part in the contests, and thanks to the judges and all who helped to make it a successful contest.

Back to "normal" next meeting on the 8th October when we we have our usual activities.

Thursday, 29 August 2019

Meeting 1044 Evaluation & Humorous Contests

Contest nights are always exciting and bring out the best in the contestants. 

Annette acted as a fill in for president Gail who was unable to be present. She welcomed guests Sue, Maria, Adrian and Dan as well as the test speaker Lisa and contest judges Alan, Jenny Teena, Terry, Daniel, (Area Director) and Kirsty.

Annette - Acting President

Contest judges

Eileen was Toastmaster. She warmed up the audience with some hilarious "Dad" jokes. (It's almost Father's Day.) 

Blake took on the role of Contest Chairman for the Evaluation Contest. 

Eileen - Joke Master
Blake - Eval Contest Toastmaster

The test speech was delivered by our guest Lisa.

Lisa - Test Speaker

The contestants Darryl, Leanne & Annette, each gave an evaluation of Lisa's speech. 

Contestants Darryl, Leanne and Annette

First place went to Darryl, with Leanne second and Annette third.

John was Contest Toastmaster for the Humorous Speech Contest

John - Contest Toastmaster

Contestants were Darryl, Stephen, Trish and Casey.

Humorous Speech Contestants Darryl, Stephen, Trish & Casey

All four speeches were very funny and well performed. The Winner was Casey, with Darryl second and Trish third.

Place Getters - Humorous Speech Contest

Stephen's raffle - a beautiful wooden cheese board that he had made and a waxed wrap was won by Eileen.

The Contest winners will compete against other Toastmasters Clubs at the Area Conference in November.

Next meeting Tuesday, 10th September.