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Friday, 12 July 2019

Meeting 1041 "Christmas in July"

It was our first meeting for the  new Toastmasters year 2019 - 2020.  New President Gail welcomed all to the meeting and handed control to Toastmaster of the Evening, Christiane.

Guests were Adrian, Maria and Sanford.


The theme was "Christmas in July," and Christiane was able to tell us of her first experience of  an Australian Christmas in July and some other interesting stories about Christmas customs.

Eileen proposed a toast to "The Spirit of Christmas." Word Master Stephen introduced the word "Atmosphere."


Gail presented the Round Robin segment, where each person spoke for 20 seconds. Her theme was "My Most Uncomfortable Christmas."


Paul presented a speech about leadership styles and compared the leadership of people he had worked with, before describing his own leadership style.  His speech was evaluated by Chris.


The purpose of Trish's speech "Leaving a Legacy" was to inspire her audience, which she did by urging us to write down stories for future  generations to read. Her speech was evaluated by Peter.



Trevor's speech "Supply and Demand" was a project from "The Entertaining Speaker" Manual.
It was an amusing account of farming in Thailand. It was evaluated by Blake.



Leesa presented her raffle (wine and Scratchit tickets) with a flourish and  a smattering of Italian.
The lucky winner was Annette.


After supper provided by Marlene, a short business session was chaired by Leanne. 

John T conducted the Table Topics session - mostly with a Christmas theme.  (Sorry I didn't get a photo of John.)

Christmas too commercialised?
Perfect place to spend Christmas.

 Is July  Brisbane's worst month?

Is it essential that Qld wins State of Orign  tomorrow night?

Do we need to go back to moon again?
Organise celebrity Christmas dinner.

Is obese Santa appropriate role model?
Caller for State of Orign. 

Table Topics Evaluation

Annette and Monica had some good advice for Table Topics participants.


Time Keeper

Marlene reported that we were 2 minutes ahead of time. (And forgot to turn off the red light!)

Marlene (photo by Leesa) 

General Evaluation

Darryl gave a comprehensive evaluation of the entire evening.


President Gail presented the evening's awards to Blake (Best Table Topic,) Annette (Best Evaluation,) Trish (Best Speech,) and Adrian (Most Improved).

Award winners 9 July 2019

Next meeting 23rd July

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Change Over Dinner 2019 "Ladies & Gentlemen"

Meeting Open


Darryl got an early start taking over his role as Sergeant at Arms and gave a truly inspiring rendition of the Toastmasters Mission Statement.

If that's the way we're going to be starting every meeting this year we will be the most inspired and inspiring club in the world...Amazing!!!


With placemat
Christiane gave her final speech as President of the club and was grateful to have finally made it to her first change over dinner since joining the club. 
Guests and a couple of husbands who came along were all welcomed to the meeting. 
Then Christiane explained the beautiful placemats we had in front of us which detailed where Sandgate Toastmasters Club sat in relation to the entire organisation. It also contained details of important dates including when fees are due, as Christiane explained there are now no excuses for missing any important dates for Sandgate Toastmasters. 


Chris was Toastmaster for the evening and lead by example being a pin up for the perfect gentlemen, as you can see in this picture he was well presented and demonstrated impeccable manners. 


Trish gave a powerful invocation, uniting all members and guests to enjoy their blessed food.

Round Robin

Leanne led the Round Robin segment and asked members and guests to tell everyone why they joined Toastmasters and why they have stayed?

The most popular reason for joining was a fear of public speaking and many stayed for the community they had become apart of.

We also had the privilege to hear from some veteran Toastmasters who told tales of starting clubs in the outback many moons ago just for something to do, another who followed his fathers footsteps in becoming a Toastmaster and the most inspiring of all a determined woman who wouldn't back down when told she couldn't join Toastmasters because she was a woman. Thank you Annette for leading the way for the rest of us ladies. 


I regret to inform my readers that anyone who was interested in seeing the blessed food that was served during the evening are out of luck, Marlene had devoured the entire plate before realising she had forgotten to take a photo. Needless to say it was a lovely meal, with the Pork being the winning dish of the evening (well on our table anyway).

Toast to Toastmasters International


John gave an inspiring toast. Reminding members and guests that Toastmasters empowers people to find their voices.
"To Toastmasters International that helps us all"

Table Topics

Smiling Assassin (Table Topics Master) #1

Stephen bravely stood up and described the attributes of a lady.
He melted the hearts of the audience when he told us the reason he knew the attributes of a lady was because his mother was one.

Marlene was asked to describe the attributes of a gentlemen. She did this and rounded it off by telling us that we can tell if someone if a gentlemen by the toilet they choose to go in when out in public "if they go into the gents, then I guess that makes them a gentlemen."

Paul entered confession and admitted that he was guilty of having a hand in the deterioration of standard etiquette, however he defended his behaviour by declaring a lot of "'standard etiquette" as "old fashioned notions." From what we have seen of Paul during meetings I'm sure we'd all agree Paul does his fair share to uphold etiquette standards in our society. 
Eileen stated that it may appear that social niceties are disappearing but with gender equality becoming the norm, old traditions that can be chauvinistic are not the proper thing to do now.   

Casey was asked how we could return to a more refined time. Casey explained that with the theme of the evening she had decided to act like a lady during the Round Robin and refrained from talking about bowel habits 

Table Topics Master#2 Blake

Our second Table Topic Master Blake had topics for Trevor, Peter, David, John and Trish.
Sorry, I can't tell you what the topics were. Can't find my notes! (But they were funny!)




Area Director David presented the club with a "45 Years" ribbon. President Christiane received it on behalf of the club. (We will be celebrating our 45th Birthday in August.)

45 years  ribbon for our club

The new club off officers were then inducted by David.

Club Officer 2019 - 2020

President: Gail, VP Education: Stephen, VP Membership Eileen, VP Public Relations Leesa, Secretary: Casey, Treasurer: Paul, Sergeant at Arms: Darryl.

Incoming President Gail
Incoming President Gail presented an inspiring speech.

Darryl 100% Attendance, Gail TM of the Year, Eileen Most Improved
Outgoing President Christiane presented awards to Darryl (100% Attendance, Gail (Toastmaster of the Year) and Eileen (Most Improved.)

The raffle was drawn - and everyone received a prize! Everyone had donated 3 preloved books and received 3 in return.

Eileen & Casey

Our visitor Brian took a photo of all members present. Thanks Brian!
Sandgate Toastmasters group

See you all on the 9th July for the first meeting of another exciting Toastmasters year!

Monday, 24 June 2019

Bracken Ridge Charter Dinner

Congratulations to our new sister club Bracken Ridge Toastmasters, who held their charter dinner this week.

Some of our members attended the dinner. It was a wonderful evening.

Here are some photos.

Incoming District Director Alana made presentations

Music by Flloyd and Greg

Humorous speech by Claire

Charter members received a certificate

Incoming Club Officers inducted

They've Made it!