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Sunday, 20 March 2016

Metro Division Conference

Leesa, Steve, Annette, John T, Darryl & Rose attended the Metropolitan Division Conference. Annette represented our club in the Table Topics Contest and Steve was in the Evaluation Contest.

The competition was fierce, but Annette won the Table Topics Contest! Woohoo! The topic was "I couldn't do it, because I ..."

Thanks to Rose for the photos.

Table Topics Participants

Evaluation Participants

Table Topics place getters

John T & Area Director Kris

Kris & Darryl

Rose & Darryl

Steve, Annette with trophy, Darryl

More photos on the Metro Division Toastmasters District 69 Facebok page.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Meeting 961 "International Women's Day"

Two more new members were inducted by President John T. Welcome to Kirsty W and Kirsty O.

Kirsty W & Kirsty O inducted by John T

John T had another pleasant task. On behalf of the club, He  presented Reza with a rug for his new baby Adam. The rug  was made by Dave's wife Sandy.

John, Dave & Reza
 The meeting theme was International Women's Day. Toastmaster Trish, appropriately dressed in purple, had given everyone a slip of paper and asked them to write what woman had inspired them the most. Trish read these out during the meeting.

Darryl's toast was "Pledging for Parity" which is the theme of this year's International Women's Day.
Word  Master Nick chose the word "Lass."

Special guests at our meeting were Metropolitan Division Director Jenny and Area Governor Kris. Also Kris's daughter Natalia. Both Jenny and Kris presented an entertaining speech.

Jenny - Metro Div Director
Kris  - Area Director

Other speakers were Paul, who lives with an unpredictable cat and a dog that sleeps on his head. Paul's speech was "Pets for Life."

And Steve, who has recently returned from a trip to Vietnam. He gave us tips on how to plan a good holiday.

Table Topics Master Annette had some themed topics for Rose, Tim, Carmy Nick, Marlene and JohnT.
Some of them were "Can women multitask better than men?"
"What woman has had the most influence on your life?"
"Should there be an International People's Day?"
"What woman has had the most influence on history?" etc.

Annette & Rose




They were evaluated by Reza and Darryl.


Jim, Steve and Jenny evaluated the speeches.

Christiane's raffle, a colouring book, pens, etc was won by Marlene.

Sharyn was time keeper.

Steve conducted the business session. There were some questions about the increase in semi annual fees.


Grammarian Annette W. had suggestions for us on ways to improve our grammar.

Dave presented an encouraging evaluation of the meeting.
Annette W

John T presented the evening's awards to Darryl (Best Evaluation,) Trish (Best Contribution,) Carmy (Personal Best,) Paul (Best Speech,) and Marlene (Best Table Topic.)

Darryl, Trish, Carmy, Paul, Marlene.
Aaargh!! Why didn't someone tell me my skirt was crooked?

Next meeting 22nd March will have an Easter theme. There will be an extra meeting on the 29th (5th Tuesday of the month.) with lots of speeches.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Novice Speech and Table Topics Contest

This night organised by Marilyn D (Bunya Club) was well supported by our club members. Annette W gained third place in the novice event, while Darryl  gained valuable experience against very experienced speakers in the table topics contest. Members from our club gave enthusiastic support to our speakers. Marilyn D is keen to have more inter club speaking events later in the year. 

Thanks to Leesa for the Photos & John T for the report.

We are proud of both our contest participants.

Novice Speech Place Getters

Rose, John T, Leesa, Annette W, Tami, Darryl, Annette T
Leesa, Rose, Peter, Annette T, Annette W.

Marilyn with Novice Speech participants

Table Topics Participants

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Meeting 960 "Cinema/Movies"

New Members Carmy & Christiane
Welcome to our new members Carmy and Christiane who were inducted last meeting.

Annette T was Toastmaster and kept the meaning flowing with snippets of information about movies.

Carmy proposed the toast. Darryl was Wordmaster and chose the word NUGATORY, meaning worthless, of no value or importance. Some members managed to use the word during the meeting.

Wordmaster Darryl
Round Robin Master Amanda asked us what our favourite "Guilty Pleasure" movie was.

Harry presented a speech on "High Performance Teams."  Jonathon has put up a movie of Harry's speech and  you can listen to it you scroll down.


Another informative presentation was Sharyn's "Fake it until You Can Make it."


 Jonathon 's speech project was from the Story Telling Manual and he told a touching story. "The Accident of Birth."

Speech evaluators were Annette W (her first evaluation,) Marlene and Jim.

Annette W

Table Topics Master Paul had movie related topics for Nick, Rosanne, Christiane, Amanda. John T, Annette T, Darryl & Marlene.



John T

Annette T

The Table Topics were evaluated by Lisa and Rose.


Supper time - Amanda, Lisa & Christiane
Supper was provided by Amanda.

Rosanne's raffle (wine and chocolates) was won by our Time Keeper, Dave.

John T evaluated the meeting, and presented the evening's awards to Annette T (Best Table Topic and Best Contribution,) Jonathon (Best Speech,) Annette W (Best Evaluator,) and Christiane (Personal Best.)

Winners - Annette T, Jonathon, Annette W, Christiane.

Next meeting will be on the 8th March with the theme, "International Women's Day."