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Friday, 27 March 2015

Meeting 940 "Trial of the Easter Bunny"

Did the Easter Bunny break the Good Food Code and do so wilfully? This was the question posed to the jury of a mock trial at our last meeting.

Easter Bunny Marlene
Judge Trish, Steve, Jean
Prosecution Lawyer Dave

Roseanne - Govt. Official

Maureen - Dietician

Tim - Dentist

Sharyn - Mother of obese child
Liz - concerned parent
John T - Defence Lawyer
Amanda - small shop owner
sworn in by Bailiff  Pam
Reza - Humpty Dumpty

Annette - Mother Bunny
Leesa - 7 year old child

Jury - John S, Darryl & Terry 

Not Guilty!

Bunnies Marlene, Annette, Rose

Trish, John T Sharyn
Awards went to Trish, (Best Contribution) John T, (Personal Best) & Sharyn, (Best witness.)

Jean and Nicole

New member Jean was inducted by Nicole.

General Evaluator Steve

Listening Quiz - Jim

Leesa's raffle - Chadonnay, Chocolates and Candy Egg was won by Sharyn, John T and Annette.

Our guests were Ajit, Jack, Mark and Gemma.  We hope to see them again next meeting.

Metro Division Contest 2015

Congratulations to Trish and Annette on their success in the Metropolitan Division contests!
Trish, representing Area 8 (our Area) won first place in the Evaluation Contest.

Trish won Evaluation Contest

Winners Evaluation
Annette (competing for Area 18) came first in Table Topics with Trish in Second Place.

Table Topics winners
Trish and Annette will go on to compete in the District Conference at Maroochydore on the first weekend in May.
More photos from conference and list of all winners on Healthy Chatterers web site.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Meeting 939 "Gadgets and Gizmos"

Thanks to Leesa, Nicole and John T for photos and information about the meeting as I was unable to attend.
(I hate missing our meetings!)

Lisa, Steve, Nicole and Rosanne
President Nicole welcomed our new members Lisa, Steve and Roseanne into our Club. 

Gadget man Dave was Toastmaster, he shared his knowledge and passion for gizmo's and gadgets, including his ingenious contraption for reading heavy books.
Word Master Steve urged members NOT to use the word 'good', and gave suggestions of many other words that could used instead.

Round Robin Master Annette invited all to tell of their favourite gadget. Darrell's favourite gadget in the kitchen was his wife.

Table Topics Master was Peter D. 

Peter Vance was Raffle Master and convinced many to take part in the raffle, recounting the tale of Paddy who learned that a thermos was used to keep things hot and to keep things cold, but not necessarily at the same time. Nicole won the raffle!

Jean buying raffle tickets from Peter V
Lisa, Rosanne Tim, and Peter D each displayed and spoke about one of their favourite gadgets. Lisa's was a Tupperware slicer, Tim's was a dental instrument for taking mouth measurements. 

Reza evaluated Trish's speech. 

Harry presented his 9th speech and was evaluated by Darryl.

Chairman John T broke the record for the shortest business session -7 mins 40 seconds.

Supper was provided by Maureen. 

Supper break

In her General Evaluation, Sharyn used as many words as she could instead of the word "good."

Liz conducted a Listening quiz.

 Rose collected the votes. And the winners were.....

Awards 10 March 2015         
Harry, (Best Speech) Trish, (best Evaluation) Liz, (Best Table Topic) Darryl, (Personal Best) and Dave, (Best Contribution.)

Any corrections or more details are welcome.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Meeting 938 "Speechfest"

Some of our best meetings occur when difficult circumstances have to be overcome.

On the morning of our last meeting day, our president Nicole was informed that due to an unavoidable circumstance, the room where we usually meet was not available. Thanks to  Nicole and others who made numerous phone calls and sent out emails and to the Sandgate Uniting Church for allowing us to hold the meeting in their hall, the meeting went ahead and was one of our memorable evenings.

Harry was Toastmaster
President Nicole welcomed our guests Steve (who is transferring to our club) Lisa, Jean, and Ajit. Toastmaster Harry had prepared some interesting information about words and speaking.

Instead of our usual meeting format we had a speechathon, with 7 speakers who didn't appear to suffer from "Glossophobia."

 Tim was the first speaker with his second speech from the CC manual, and told us "The Story of the Rain and Sydney University" and how he caught a train and arrived 3 days later.

Darryl presented his third speech from the manual which he titled, "What the Hell am I doing here" His main point was the importance of reading the objectives in the manuals before preparing a speech.

Amanda's speech "Dreams and its Health Warnings" was a fascinating account of how dreams can warn of physical complaints. Amanda had prepared a power point presentation but quickly adapted with other visual props when our projector was unavailable, due to the last minute change of  venue.

 Maureen also rose to the occasion and coped without the projector as she convinced us of the benefits of medical research in her speech, "Why Research?"

Peter dM
Peter dM entertained us with an amusing story of a driving adventure  "Oh My God, I Think I've killed a Priest!" 


Reza presented his Ice Breaker speech, "Life's Challenges." He told us about emigrating from South Africa to Australia.
Terry continued the story he had begun in his Ice Breaker at a previous meeting, and told us about some more events in his life. 

Nicole and Pam listening
The speeches were evaluated by Dave, John S, Steve, Marlene Liz, John T and Peter V.



John T

John S
Peter V

During the meeting, time keepers Jim and Nick announced that we were ahead of time, so Harry introduced a Round Robin and asked "Why did you join Toastmasters and why have you stayed? Have you achieved your goals?" This was so popular, everyone spoke longer than the usual 20 seconds which made us a bit behind time.

Timekeepers Jim and Nick
Liz's raffle was a tea infuser, jug, coffee and chocloate. It was won by John S.


General Evaluator Annette summed up the meeting with some helpful comments.

President Nicole presented the evening's awards to Steve (Best Evaluator,) Reza (Best Speech and Peronal Best,) and Harry (Best Contribution.)

Winners - Steve, Reza Harry
Next meeting is on the 10th March with the theme "Gadgets and Gizmos"

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Speech 2 - What's The Point?

Was anyone carrying a gun?
Was anyone carrying a knife?
Was anyone planning to assault Darryl?
Find out in the recording of his second speech from the competent communicator manual.

Are you coming ?

Are you coming to the Metro Division Conference? Trish will be competing in the Evaluation Contest. Come and support her.

Let Nicole know if you are coming so she can make a group booking.

Click to see larger size

Metropolitan Division Conference is being held on 
Saturday 21ST March 2015 at the
Geebung- Zillmere RSL Club
323 Newman RoadGeebung.
Watch our Area winners compete
 for the chance to represent our Division at the 
District 69 Convention in May 2015.

Are you ready to change? 
Do you need support?
As a Toastmaster in the Metro Division you have the opportunity to gain the help needed to achieve your goals.

Registrations Open
$35 - Early Bird
$30 – Early Bird Group Bookings
$40 - After the Early Bird cut off
Early Bird registration closes on Friday 28 February 2015.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Meeting 937 "Love is in the Air"

Love was in the air at our last meeting. The word of the evening, chosen by Nick was "passionate."

Peter V was Toastmaster

Tim proposed the toast.

President Nicole welcomed our guests Peter, Steve, Lisa, Roseanne, Jean, Soheil and Saba.

Harry filled in for our Round Robin Master and asked "What was your most memorable Valentine's Day. Everyone found it easy to answer and there were some amusing stories.

Cinderella (Pam)
Table Topics Master Marlene referred to the romantic story of Cinderella and called on Cinderella, Prince Charming, and one of the Ugly Stepsisters (aka Pam, Harry and Darryl) to tell what really happened at the ball.

They were evaluated by Dave.

Prince Charming (Harry)

Ugly Stepsister (Darryl)

Jim presented his 3rd speech "The Best Idea I Ever Had."  He told a hilarious tale about his long ride on a petrol tanker.

Amanda's speech was her 7th. For her "Research your Topic" project, she used the projector to show the importance of  hand washing.

Peter dM recounted an exciting adventure on a flooded river in Ecuador.

Peter dM

Speech evaluators were Rose, Sharyn and John T.


John T

John T
The Business Session was efficiently chaired for John S. The main item discussed was the changes to our Semi Annual fees, which will be raised slightly to bring it in line with the US Dollar and will also include meeting fees.

Reza's raffle was a large tin of  Lindt chocolates and a Valentine card. It was won by Marlene, who is passionate about Lindt chocolate.  Thanks Reza!


Grammarian Sharyn  commented on some good word usage and General Evaluator Jonathon gave some honorable mentions. Both gave suggestions for improvement.

President Nicole presented the evenings's awards to Peter V (Best Contribution,) John T (Best Evaluator,)  Amanda  (Best Speech and Personal Best) and Harry (Best Table Topic.)

Award winners 10/2/15

Next meeting on the 24th February will be a Speechfest. We are looking forward to hearing some great speeches.