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Monday, 17 November 2014

Meeting 933 "Promoting Peace."

Congratulations Sharyn!
Past Area 8 Gov Sharyn & Present Area 8 Gov Jenny
Area Governor Jenny paid our club a special visit and presented Sharyn (who was Area Governor last year) with a certificate for achieving Select Distinguished Area during her time as Area Governor. This award is based on the performance of the clubs in the Area.

Welcome to new member, Reza!
Nicole inducted Reza
Reza's mentor will be Dave.

Toastmaster Jim
Jim was Toastmaster for the first time and appeared very confident. As it was Remembrance Day, the meeting theme was Promoting Peace. Jim had researched a lot of information which he shared with us.

Peter V  proposed the toast
Nick helped Wordmaster Reza
  Reza's word was "Irenic," meaning "Promoting peace"

Round Robin Master Nick asked, "What endangers world peace?" Some of the answers were nuclear armament, greed, power, lack of communication, intolerance,lack of respect etc.

Marlene's Table Topics also followed the theme of promoting peace. Peter D, Darryl, Nick and Jenny were called on to speak about "The neighbours from hell," "Road Rage," Sibling Rivalry," and "Violent Video Games."

Peter D



They were evaluated by Rose.


Nicole presented her 9th speech from the Competent Communicator Manual and spoke about "Active Listening."

 It was evaluated by Sharyn.

Maureen presented a review of The Toastmasters Magazine and encouraged us to read the helpful articles it contains.

Tim presented a review on the book "The Last Ark".
Timekeeper D'sley

Time for a break
Supper was provided by Dave & Peter V.

Amanda presented a speech on New Years Resolutions and was evaluated by Liz.



Chairman Leesa

Leesa chaired the Business Session, which proved to be an exercise in moving and amending motions. The main item under discussion was the proposal to do away with collecting meeting fees at each meeting, and to raise the semi annual fees to include the meeting fees.

For Show and Tell, Terry displayed a mystery object which someone finally guessed was a staple remover.

John T
John T was General Evaluator.

Peter D's raffle, a DVD set "Nature of Australia" was won by Leesa.

Raffle Master Peter D

The evenings awards went to Jim (Best Contribution,) Darryl (Best Table Topic,) Nicole (Best Speech,) Liz ( Best Evaluator,) and Amanda ( Personal Best.)

Winners 11 Nov 2014

Next meeting we'll have a Debate and a "Get up on your Soapbox" segment. Don't forget to bring your money for our Christmas Break Up Dinner which will be held at the following meeting.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

More Photos from Area 8 Conference

Check out Healthy Chatterers Toastmasters website for more photos from the Area 8 Conference.
Area 8 Conference 2014

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Area 8 Conference 2014

Congratulations to Trish, on winning both the Table Topics and Evaluation Contests!

Trish - winner of 2 contests
First Place

Humorous Speech Contest
photo by Kris

International Speech Contest - all great speeches.

Guest Speaker Paul Timms

Nicole & John T enjoy lunch

Yummy food

Preeta (Peninsula Club)

Thanks to Preeta & her team who prepared the food after our caterers had a fire in their kitchen.

Jan & Kris (Peninsula Club)
Lenore & Narda (past members of our club) came to support contestants.

Peter V, Marlene, Peter D
(Thanks to Kris for photo)

Area Governor, Jenny
Well done, Area Governor Jenny and all who took part. It was a wonderful day!

Friday, 31 October 2014

Meeting 932 "Witches and Wizards"

Liz, Marlene, Nicole, Amanda and Leesa.
The meeting had a Halloween theme and many members dressed accordingly. Dave was Toastmaster.

Word Master Nick

Rose had prepared Halloween themed Table Topics for her "victims, Maureen, John S, Darryl, Amanda, Annette and Leesa.


John S



Peter D and Nicole evaluated the Table Topics.

Peter D

John T
 John T's speech "Suffering from Foot and Mouth Disease" completed "The Entertaining Speaker" manual. He's half way to his ACB!

It was evaluated by Amanda.

John S


Raffle Master John S offered us the chance to win 21 Million Dollars. Rose won the rafle - let's hope she wins the 21 Million!

Trish presented on Educational Session on debating and called on Annette, Dave, Liz and Sharyn to demonstrate.



 D'sley conducted a Listening Quiz and Liz was General Evaluator.

Thanks to Time Keeper Tim, the meeting finished on time.

The evenings awards went to John T (Best Speech,) Maureen (Best Table Topic,) Nicole (Best Evaluator,) Dave (Best Contribution,) and Peter D (Personal Best.)

Winners 28 Oct.

Monday, 20 October 2014

We are Select Distinguished!

President Nicole with our new ribbon
Our club has attained Select Distinguished status in the Distinguished Clubs Programme. 

The Distinguished Club Program (DCP) is a recognition program administered by Toastmasters International. It tracks the progress of clubs in meeting educational and membership goals each year. 

President NIcole was proud to display the new ribbon for our banner.