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Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Meeting 918 "Books"

Toastmaster Annette
We welcomed guests Darryl, Malcolm and D'sley.
Toastmaster Annette was prepared with quotes and information related to the theme "Books."
Hollie presented a toast to Anti Bullying.

Inge presented a quote from Albert Einstein, " I never think of the future, it comes soon enough."

Round Robin Master Tilly asked "What is your favourite book and which character do you relate to?"
Some of the favourite books mentioned were, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," "Notes from a Small Island," "Christine," "Jane Eyre," The Rosie Project," "Tangled," Divided in Death," "The Hobbit," "Where's Wally," "To Kill a Mockingbird," "The Game of Thrones," "Simon Winchester" (author,) "Dick Francis," "Gone with the Wind," etc.

Jim and Liz Wo had book related Table Topics for Pam, Jonathon, Marlene, Tilly, Dave and Inge.

TT Master Jim

The Table Topics were evaluated by Liz Wo and John T.

John T
Liz Wo

Pam presented her Icebreaker speech "Confidence or Bravado?" and was evaluated by Liz Wo.


  Nicole gave a Power Point presentation on " Being the Treasurer." It was evaluated by Jonathon.

Sharyn presented an Educational Session on evaluations. 


Dave reviewed one of his favourite books, "The Alice behind Wonderland" by Simon Winchester. He also gave us a rendition of Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky."

John T brought a selection of books for his raffle. There were several lucky winners, who chose two books each. Thanks John. I have just finished reading "Gone Girl" if anyone wants to borrow it.
Yippee, I won 2 books!
Grammarian Marlene commended members on their use of words and explained when to use "Was" and "Were" in sentences such as "If I were you" and "If I was available."  (See  for explanation.)
John S
John S gave a thorough evaluation of the entire meeting and Past President Annette presented the evenings awards to Tilly (Best Table Topic,) Jonathon, (Best Evaluation) Pam, (Best Speech - tie, and Personal Best,) Nicole (Best Speech - tie) and Annette, (Best Contribution.)
Winners 25 march 2004
Thanks to Time Keepers Jim and Nick the meeting finished on time. 

President Liz We will be back next meeting.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Meeting 917 "Green"

Busy, busy week. The pictures will have to tell the story this time. Thanks to Jonathon who took most of the photos.

Toastmaster Nicole.
Wordmaster Robert
The word was "Patrick."

Ice Breaker speech by Hollie
"Taking Off."

Hollie relaxes 
Area Governor Sharyn
Speech Evaluator Tilly
Raffle Master Trish
A bag of green things
Speech by Maureen
"Fear - what is it?"
Jokemaster Jim

General Evaluator Amanda

Annette(Best Eval,) Nicole(Best Contribution,)
Hollie (Best Speech & Paersonal Best,) Sharyn (Best Table Topic.).

We are sorry that Robert is resigning due to health problems.

All the best to Annette who is competing in the Evaluation Contest at the Metro Division Contest on the 22nd March. Also to Trish who is competing in several contests on behalf of her other club, Chermside Communicators.

Please remember to bring your Semi Annual Fee next meeting if you haven't already paid it.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Meeting 916 "Summer Blues"

  John T
Competent Communicator
Congratulations to John T on completing the final project in the Competent Communicator Manual! His speech, "Living a good Life and the Happiness Trap" was an inspiration to us all.

Another successful Toastmaster was Trish, who completed the Advanced Manual, "Speeches by Management." Trish asked us to imagine we were residents of the small town, "Kickatinalong" who were concerned about the introduction of a MacDonald's restaurant  in  the area. Trish skilfully and diplomatically handled the questions and objections that were raised.

The speeches were evaluated by John S and Marlene.

Liz Wo
We are thinking of holding an Interpretive Reading Contest soon, so Liz Wo gave us a an entertaining demonstration of Interpretive Reading with a selection from  "Not Another Book about Italy."

You can find tips on Interpretive Reading in our online handbook.

 In keeping with the theme, Toastmaster Dave had prepared quotes and poems about summer.

Hollie's Round Robin was, " What will you miss most when summer is over." The answers were varied - some will miss the summer activities, while others will glad when the heat has ended.

Inge had Table Topics for Tilly, Maureen and Leesa.

"If your doctor ordered more exercise, what kind of exercise would you choose?"
"Would you prefer to get your exercise at the beach, or in a shopping centre?"
"How would you entertain children in Summer?"

Tilly's Table Topics for Nick, Nicole and  Pam were phrases:

"If I could I would...."
"I should have, but I didn't...."
"When I think blue..."


The Table topics were evaluated by Annette and Maureen.


Everyone enjoyed a chat during the break and sampled the biscuits supplied by Nick.

Time for a break
'Sharyn's raffle was a cold pack, full of summer treats and was won by Liz Wo.

Grammarian Jim commented on our use of words and grammar and  Leesa gave an evaluation of the entire meeting.

Our guests Darryl, June, Lynn and  Malcolm said they had enjoyed  the meeting.

The evening's awards went to John T (Best Speech,) Nick ((Personal Best,) John S (Best Evaluator,) Dave (Best Contribution,) and Nicole (Best Table Topics.)

Award winners 25 Feb 2014

Friday, 21 February 2014

Club Officer Training

Our club was well represented at the Club Officer Training this week. Liz We, Amanda, Leesa, Pam, Hollie, Trish,  Sharyn and Marlene were there. Trish presented two of the sessions. It was helpful to hear about the successes and challenges that other clubs have faced during the first part of  the Toastmasters year.

Those of us who travelled together were able to discuss the sessions on the way home.

Leesa, Amanda, Pam & Hollie on way home.

Every Dog has it's day

Toastmasters mix socially, too!

Leesa's dog Jazzi turned one year old on St Valentine's Day. (That's 7 dog years!) Several of us attended Jazzi's birthday party. Jazzi had fun with her friends, Rex, Odie, Sophia and Astro while we tucked into the wonderful food that Lesa provided.


Jazzi with Sophia & Odie

Lees'a other dog, Emma was banished downstairs because she wouldn't play nice.

Leesa with Emma

Meeting 915 St Valentines Day

Our new Sergeant -at -Arms Pam opened the meeting with a flourish. President Liz welcomed our guests Darryl, Malcolm, Ed and June and inducted new members, Tillie & Hollie.

Liz inducted Tilly & Hollie
Toastmaster Jonathon & Chairman Liz Wo
Jonathon was Toastmaster and Liz Wo chaired the business session.

The topic of Jim's Round Robin was, "What is the most romantic thing someone said to you?" There were some amusing answers.

Amanda had brought some objects for her Round Robin and asked John S, Del, and Jim to tell why they had chosen them as a Valentine's gift. 

John S



Pam had Topics for Jonathon, Annette and Liz.  There was a bit of confusion about which Liz Pam meant, so Liz We and Liz Wo made a combined response.



Liz Wo & Liz We

The Table Topics were evaluated by John T & Dave.

John T

Speakers were Peter with a speech titled "My New Bio" and Liz We with a speech about acronyms.

Liz We

They were evaluated by Annette and Trish.

John S gave us the opportunity to win a lot of money with his raffle of  Scratch-it Tickets. It was won by John T

Show and Tell Segment was conducted by Nick, who told us about his involvement with  AFL soccer.



Leesa was time keeper.

Marlene presented the General Evaluation and President Liz presented the evening's awards to Jim (Personal Best and Best Table Topic) Jonathon (tied with Jim for Best Table Topic, also Best Contribution,) Peter (Best Speech,) and Annette (Best Evaluation.)

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Interview with Trish

Did you hear the recent interview with Trish on YYYFM Radio? You can still listen to it - just

As well as the wonderful advice she gave on speaking, it is worth listening to the way she uses her voice in the interview to convey her message.

More about Trish on her web site Trish Springsteen Speaking.