Our new Sergeant -at -Arms Pam opened the meeting with a flourish. President Liz welcomed our guests Darryl, Malcolm, Ed and June and inducted new members, Tillie & Hollie.
Liz inducted Tilly & Hollie |
Toastmaster Jonathon & Chairman Liz Wo |
The topic of Jim's Round Robin was, "What is the most romantic thing someone said to you?" There were some amusing answers.
Amanda had brought some objects for her Round Robin and asked John S, Del, and Jim to tell why they had chosen them as a Valentine's gift.
Del |
Pam had Topics for Jonathon, Annette and Liz. There was a bit of confusion about which Liz Pam meant, so Liz We and Liz Wo made a combined response.
The Table Topics were evaluated by John T & Dave.
John T |
Speakers were Peter with a speech titled "My New Bio" and Liz We with a speech about acronyms.
Peter |
Liz We |
They were evaluated by Annette and Trish.
John S gave us the opportunity to win a lot of money with his raffle of Scratch-it Tickets. It was won by John T
Show and Tell Segment was conducted by Nick, who told us about his involvement with AFL soccer.
Nick |
Leesa |
Leesa was time keeper.
Marlene presented the General Evaluation and President Liz presented the evening's awards to Jim (Personal Best and Best Table Topic) Jonathon (tied with Jim for Best Table Topic, also Best Contribution,) Peter (Best Speech,) and Annette (Best Evaluation.)