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Saturday, 2 March 2013

Meeting 894 "Rain"

Toastmaster Del had chosen the topic "Rain," which was very appropriate because it had rained all week. In spite of the weather, we almost had a full house, and had to add extra tables. (Which made us a bit late starting the meeting.) We also welcomed 8 guests - Ron, Peter, Jim. Nick, Bev, Shane, Christiane, & Joel.

We were thrilled to hear that one of our members is having a baby in August - and another member is going to have a Jack Russell pup at the end of April.

VPE Marlene was happy to report there were no programme changes, as everyone on the programme had turned up.

June proposed a toast to "Rain."

Round Robin Master John S asked us to tell us of an experience we'd had with rain. This resulted in many stories of rain, floods and storms.

Terry's Table Topics were "Why did Noah take two mosquitoes into the ark." (That's something I had always wondered, but Annette informed us that they slipped in by riding on the elephant's back.)  "At what stage does rain become a pain," (answered by Harry,) and "Why are they called apartments when they are stuck together. (answered by Leesa.)

Liz We

 John T's topics were "How do you spend a rainy day?" "How do you go through life without letting things rain on your parade?" and "Are our weather patterns changing?" These were answered by Liz We, Maureen and John S.

Liz Wo
Liz Wo and Amanda evaluated the Table Topics.

Harry presented his 7th speech, "Clever Corvus," He gave us some fascinating information about crows, how they like to have fun, the way they use tools and how they can be trained.

Marlene and Robert shared the role of evaluator for Harry's speech.

Nicole also presented her 7th speech, which was about "Childhood Heart Disease." Nicole's little boy has recently had heart surgery, so she was familiar with the topic.

Nicole's speech was evaluated by Maureen. This was Maureen's first evaluation and she was a credit to her mentor Sharyn.

Annette presented an inspiring speech about volunteering. It was the 10th project in the Competent Communicator Manual.
It was evaluated by Leesa.


Inspired Audience


June's raffle was a book to curl up with on a rainy day and an umbrella.
 It was won by one of our guests, Bev. 

John S read a poem that he had written. (John has recently had a cochlear implant.)

Like darkness slowly descending
The creeping loss of hearing extending
To the point of silently pretending
All words and conversations comprehending.
With assessments made and cochlear impending
Can we hope for complete understanding?

John S

With cochlear correctly implanted
We approach switch on day still tormented.
But under Karen’s guidance all questions answered
Overcoming the need for words repeated 
Six months on we remain elated
Professor Clarke you must be congratulated."

Liz Wo revealed herself as the Mystery Toastmaster. 

Time keepers Jennine and Inge advised that we were running late, so Rhys and Monica generously offered to forego their short segments. 

Dave gave  encouragement and suggestions in his General Evaluation.

The evening's awards went to Harry (Best Speech,) Liz Wo (Best Evaluation,) Amanda (Personal Best,) Del (Best Contribution,) and Annette (Best Table Topic.)

Award winners

Don't forget, if you are attending the Metro Division Conference, You will need to send your payment to Nicole as soon as possible.

And Semi Annual fees will need to be paid either next meeting or the meeting after.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Jonathon in the News

Our VPPR Jennine has had an excellent article printed in this week's Bayside Star, featuring Jonathon.
Well done Jennine and Jonathon!

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Meeting 893 "Love is in the Air"

Annette is still practising her joke telling skills as she opens the meeting. Does anyone have some good jokes for Annette?

We were pleased to welcome three guests, Michael, Ron and Gigi.

Harry handled the role of Toastmaster for the evening with aplomb.

As Quote Master, Inge chose one from the ancient Greek philosopher  Diogenes, "I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world." She explained she had chosen it as suitable for our theme of love, because love of humanity knows no ethnic or cultural boundaries. This prompted another one from Harry, (I think it was Harry) from Thomas Aquinas, "Love is willing the good of another."

Liz We filled in as Round Robin Master and asked us to tell about a valentine we had received. This evoked many humorous stories.

Table Topic Master Rhys asked John T, Amanda, Annette and Inge to talk on theme related topics such as, "Uses for the word "Love." "Types of love between people." Different loves in your life" and something about "Modern Media" (can't remember exactly what it was.) Dave and Liz Wo evaluated the Table Topics.

Jonathon presented a dynamic speech, "Planning is Everything."
He spoke about the advantages of planning the next 10 years, the next 12 months, 90 weeks, 1 week and 1 day. He left us with a memorable thought from Eisenhower, "Plans are worthless, but planning is everything."

Liz Wo evaluated Jonathon's speech.

Marlene is working through the Interpretive Reading Manual and presented a Monodrama adapted from Daphne Du Maurier's book, "Rebecca."  It was evaluated by Sharyn.

Liz We
Dave's doily
Dave had brought a raffle donated by his craft loving wife, Sandy. Dave raffled it as a square doily, until someone suggested it was actually a cushion cover. (which it was.) There's always something to laugh about at our meetings.

The Raffle was won by Leesa.

John S
The Business Session was competently chaired by John S. The main  item discussed was the Metropolitan Division Conference which will be held at the Education Centre at Prince Charles Hospital on the 16th March. The club will subsidise our members to attend. Annette is competing in the Evaluation Contest, so we hope to have plenty of  our club members there to support her.


Maureen filled the role of Grammarian. It was her first time in that role.

Leesa had some good suggestions in her role as General Evaluator.

Mystery Toastmaster
We haven't had a Mystery Toastmaster in our programme for sometime. This segment was reintroduced. (No one knows who the mystery Toastmaster is until the end of the meeting, when their identity is revealed and they report how many people greeted them during the evening.) The Mystery Toastmaster proved to be Annette, who named a few people who hadn't spoken to her.

Thanks to the efforts of  Del, our Time Keeper, the meeting finished on time.

Awards for the evening went to Harry (Best Contribution,) Marlene (Best Speech and Personal Best,) Sharyn (Best Evaluation,) and Annette (Best Table Topic,)

Monday, 11 February 2013

Club Officer Training Day was Fun

Nicole, Liz We & Sharyn at Training Day
 Nicole, Liz We, Sharyn, Annette and I attended the Club Officer Training Day at the Education Centre at Prince Charles Hospital, Chermside. Trish was there too, as a presenter. Sharyn was also one of the presenters.

The sessions I attended were all very interesting & well presented. The Session on mentoring was very creative. It was a very large group. We formed two long rows with our chairs facing each other, then the row I was in had to keep moving down one chair at a time, "speed dating." We interviewed each person facing us for 30 seconds & asked them to tell us the advantages mentoring has for a "Mentee." after a while we switched roles & were interviewed about the advantages to the mentor. We also formed groups of 4 & discussed mentoring someone who had sent us the first draft of their speech. (We were given a copy of the speech.)

I gleaned a few new ideas from the VPE session and learned some things I didn't know from the session on Parliamentary Procedure. The final session, "Positive Thinking" was most enlightening. Sharyn was also in that session. If you get a chance, ask her how she was taught how to set a trigger to help boost her confidence!

I think we all came home with renewed enthusiasm.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Damian is an author!

Click on picture to enlarge
Did you see the article in this weeks Bayside Star? Damian, one of our past members has written a children's book Titled "The Day the Dragon got its Fire."  The heroine is Princess Lavinia (named after his 5 year old daughter) and doesn't need a dragon to save her!

You can find the book at Dymocks at North Lakes, Chermside, Indooroopilly and Carindale. It's also in BCC Libraries. More about it on Damian's Facebook Stanton and Abbott.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Meeting 892 "Australia"

Toastmaster Dave
There were 20 members and one guest present at our first meeting for 2013. As it was almost Australia Day, the theme for our meeting was "Australia."
Harry filled in as Sergeant at Arms. President Annette announced that she intended to work on her joke telling skills. There were a few groans but we laughed at her joke.
Toastmaster Dave had gathered snippets of  "Australiana" to present between segments.

Word Master Robert told a of encounter he'd had with an emu and selected the word "Emu" as the word of the evening.

Liz Wo presented the Round Robin as a continuing story, which began with an Aussie BBQ and took many twists and turns as each person added to it. Of course the main character in the story was an emu!

Del's Table Topics continued with the Australian theme - Something like "How do think people would react if the Australia Day holiday was taken away?" "How would you design a new Australian Flag?" and "How would you promote Australia to overseas visitors?" The topics were answered by Robert, June and Inge.

Jonathon presented another three Table Topics."As an Australia ambassador, how would you address New Australians?" "How & when would you serve up the ultimate Aussie meal?"  and "What is more important to Australians - sport or science?" These were answered by Kerry, Annette and Harry.
Jennine and Terry evaluated the Table Topics.
John T

John T 's speech was titled"Giving a Gonsky." He used charts and examples to help us understand this difficult subject.  The speech was evaluatd by Jonathon.

Trish's project was from "The Interpretive Reading" manual. She read an excerpt from Dawn French's book, "Oh Dear Sylvia."  It was evaluated by Marlene.

In the absence of our Raffle Master, a book of "Illusions" and a pack of toiletries was produced from our cupboard. It was won by Robert.

Inge provided three kinds of delicious biscuits for supper which was enjoyed by all.
Supper Break
John S read a poem that he had written in response to the reckless living of some of the youth of today.

As childhood memories flood my mind I ponder,
What would I give to capture once more
The strength of my youth as before?
To jump a puddle, to climb a tree;
To rise with ease up from my knees.

We look with jaundiced eyes on the excesses of today’s youth 
Alcohol, cars, drugs and their reckless fun.
Let’s hope they are around at three score or more
To say, what would I give to capture once more
The strength of my youth as before?"

Robert told us another joke.
Grammarian Annette commented on our use of language and said no one had used many ums & ahs. She reminded us that the word "Now" is also a filler if habitually used at the beginning of sentences.

Timer Rhys advised that we were ahead of time, so John T told us the history of that Australian delicacy, the lamington.

The meeting was evaluated by Monica, who had some helpful suggestions.

Trish reminded us abut the Club Officers Training Day on the 9th February. This is open to any members who are interested - not just club officers. Our club pays for members to attend, but we need to register straight away.

Our guest Michael said he had enjoyed the meeting, particularly the evaluations, which he thought were very helpful.

Awards for the evening went to John T (Best Speech), Harry (Best Table Topic,) Jonathon (Best Evaluation)  Dave (Best Contribution,) & Terry (Personal Best.)
The 5 Amigos (award winners)
Don't forget, there are 5 Tuesdays in this month, so it will be 3 weeks till the next meeting. 
See you on the12th February.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Christmas Break Up

Our last meeting for the year was a Christmas Break Up Dinner.  It was a great night, with plenty of  fun table topics, a Secret Santa Swap, Celebrity Antlers and good food.  I'll let the photos tell the story.
Click on the photos for a larger size.

Merry Christmas to all. 
We will be in recess until the 22nd January. 

Friday, 14 December 2012

Register for Club Officer Training

Toastmasters conducts Club Officer Training Days twice a year. These are a must for any of the Club Executive Officers, but they are also open to any members who are interested. You will find it helpful if you are thinking of taking on an executive role in the future. As well as sessions on Club Officer roles, there will be other sessions that will interest any Toastmaster.

The main Training Day will be held on Saturday, 9th February, from 8.15 am to 3.30 pm in the New Education Centre, Prince Charles Hospital, Chermside.

If more convenient you can attending an Club Officer Training evening on Tuesday 12th February, at the Telstra Building in the city.  5pm - 9pm. (No extra sessions at this venue.)

Our club usually pays for members who attend but we need to know who is going so Nicole can make a group booking. It will be cheaper if we can book early.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Meeting 890 "Summertime"

35 years in Toastmasters!
Ranjeet & Denise congratulate Annette

Metropolitan Division Governor, Ranjeet and Area Governor Denise attended our meeting and presented Annette with her 35 year badge - and a bottle of wine to celebrate.

Other guests were Natasha, who is visiting from Canada, and Peter.

Rhys was Toastmaster and he kept us entertained during the evening with some interesting facts about summer, some tips for keeping cool and even some jokes.

June's Table Topics were very creative. She asked Annette to make up a story from some selected words on a card. Robert was asked to speak about a summer thunder storm, Maureen was given a picture to make a story from and Dave had to speak about a summertime activity.

Table Topics Evaluator John S, commended all speakers and suggested that they all could have been improved with more animation. John also mentioned that it is a long time since he received a table topic. (Future Table Topic Masters, please note - and don't make them too easy!)

Jennine's speech, which was her 5th project from the CC manual, was "Three Quotes for Life."  The quotes she spoke of were "Be Where You Are,"  "Kill Them with Kindness," and "Don't Regret the Things You Have Done, but Those You Did Not Do." which she wove into an inspiring speech.
Spellbound audience
Ralph presented his Icebreaker speech, titled "My Place in the Sun." He told a little of the history of his homeland, The Philippines, his personal life journey and how he came to Australia and found his own "Place in the Sun." It was a very moving speech and Ralph received a standing ovation.

Nicole's speech (her 6th) was "A Tablet for Everyone," which was not about a panacea for all, but a fascinating speech about the iPad.

 Evaluators Liz, Dave and Amanda gave some encouraging comments. Amanda is new at evaluating, but she gave a very well constructed evaluation, with commendations, a point for improvement and a summary.

The time keeper (me) was engrossed in the speeches and forgot to check the time.
Luckily, Leesa arrived during the supper break and took over the timing for the rest of the meeting.

Rhys & Robert
Ranjeet & June

The business session proved to be good practice in moving motions and amendments as we decided  on the price limit for the secret Santa gifts at our break up. It will be $10 this year. Everyone is also to bring a grocery item for our Christmas Hamper raffle.

Annette evaluated the business session and commended Jonathon for his perfomance as chairman and for stepping into the role at the last minute.

Raffle Master John T had a treat for us. He had brought along 6 books that he had read but were still in pristine condition. The lucky winners were June, Amanda, Robert, Annette, Marlene & Ralph.

General Evaluator Del had some encouraging comments for all.

Awards for the evening went to Jennine (Best Speech,) Ralph (Personal Best,) Liz (Best Evaluator,) Maureen & Dave (Best Table Topic, tie,) and Rhys (Best Contribution.

This was the final regular meeting for 2012. Remember, if you are coming to our Break Up Dinner on the 11th, you will need to pay by Monday 3rd December. 

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Old friends

Marlene, Bing, Edith & Lenore.
One the best things about Toastmasters is the lasting friendships we can make. Those of you who have been in the club for some time will remember past members, Edith, Bing & Lenore. On Sunday, I met up with them for lunch at The Full Moon.

We had a wonderful time catching up on the news.
Edith said she had found Toastmasters skills had really helped in her job as marriage celebrant.

Bing said she found the evaluation skills she had learnt at Toastmasters were useful when she had to write a report.

We all agreed that Toastmasters had made a big difference in our lives.

By the way, the meal was delicious. I can recommend the daily caught fish.