Three new members were inducted last meeting. Terry and Kel, who have been previously been Toastmasters in other clubs, and Ralph, a brand new Toastmaster.
Ralph's first assignment was to present the Toastmasters mission statement. The toast was proposed by Leesa.
Jonathon |
Jonathon's Quote for the evening was one from Dr Suess,
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer
yourself any direction you chose....."
Round Robin Master June asked us to tell what talents we possessed. We discovered that our club consists of people with many varied and amusing talents.
In keeping with the theme, Liz We's Table Topics were all school related, eg "What was your school motto?" "Describe your last day at school." and "What was your favourite holiday break?" Robert, Jonathon and Leesa came up with entertaining answers.
Kel's Table Topics were a bit more involved. He presented the scenario of a road trip and asked Marlene, Kylie and Jennine to speak about "A road trip from hell, " Who would you like to listen to on the car pod" and "What genre of music" would you like to listen to?"
Nicole (great to see her back.) |
Terry |
The Table Topics were evaluated by Nicole and
Harry |
Harry's speech, using vocal variety was "The Amazing Human Brain." and was full of fascinating information.
Kel presented his Ice Breaker. He is working through his second Competent Communicator Manual.
Ernie's speech was "The Best Advice I Ever Had." Ernie demonstrated some French polishing and passed his work around for us to inspect.
Kel |
Ernie |
The speeches were evaluated by Rhys, Dave and Jonathon.
Dave's raffle was a beautiful shawl that his wife Sandy had made. Dave called on Inge to model it. It was won by Terry, who was delighted to have something he could use as a gift.
Robert told a funny story about falling into a hole when out walking with his dog.
Inge gave us some interesting information on coffee in a "Did you know?" session.
Timekeeper Amanda warned that the meeting was running behind time. (This was not Amanda's fault.)
Jennine was Listening Master and her clever questions managed to collect many fines to help fill the coffers.
The General Evaluation was presented by Kylie, who had some helpful suggestions.
Awards for the evening went to Kel (Personal Best,) Jennine (Best Table Topic,) Harry (Best Speech,) Jonathon (Best Evaluation,) and Marlene (Best Contribution.)
Next meeting will be our Evaluation and International Speech Contest.