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Sunday, 14 August 2011

Meeting 861 - Theme "Ekka"

It was good to see four visitors at our meeting. Elizabeth, (Glad we didn't scare her off last time) and Inga, Chelsea and Melissa who had met some of our members stall at the Einbunpin Festival. 

 It's Show Week in Brisbane. The Exhibition or "Ekka" began on Thursday, so it was the theme of our last meeting. The theme was used in Liz's Round Robin, Jennine's Table Topics and even the Raffle, which was a sample bag filled with goodies by Trish. 

Kerry took on the role of Toastmaster for the first time and kept the meeting running smoothly.

Another first timer was Nicole, who gave an excellent speech evaluation.
There were three speeches. Kylie's very topical speech "Everyone Counts" was about the census.
 Jonathon's speech "A Webi What?" explained what a Webinar is and convinced us of the benefits.
Lynda's speech was about "Motherhood"

Sharyn presented an Educational on "Giving Effective Feedback."

The Business Session, chaired by Leesa was a lively session with plenty to discuss.
Somehow, we still managed to finish on time and president Sharyn presented the awards for the evening.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Bayside Stars

Woo Hoo. Well Done Annette, published at last and of course it had to be Kylie and moi, the shy demure personalities of the Club...

Please note we were in the Dining and Entertainment section - no idea why ! Annette keep up the great effort, it is amazing how many people have commented on the article, it is great publicity for the Club.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

THANK YOU to everyone for the effort undertaken to man the Toastmaster site today at Sandgate for the Einbumpin Festival. Special mention to Rhys for the setting up and packing up and Nicole for supplying the cover, we would have been 'roasted' without it. Thanks again, I was very happy with the number of people that registered their interest. Sharyn

More Einbunpin Photos

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Meeting 860 TT & Int. Speech Contests

It was a special evening. We had a visit from our Area Governor, Jeff, as well as contest judges Terry and Mark from Pines Toastmasters Club.

 President Sharyn was kept busy. As well as performing her new role of president, she was tie breaker judge for the Table Topics Contest, and Contest Chairman for the International Speech Contest. She handled all three tasks with aplomb.

It was wonderful to see so many competing in the Table Topics contest. The topic was, "There is a way."
Trish, Annette, Raider, Rachael, Kylie, Jonathon, Nicole, Liz and Rhys took on the challenge.

There were two contestants in the International Speech Contest.

And the winner was.....

Trish won both the Table Topics and International Contests. Congratulations Trish!

Raider came second in the International Speech Contest. 

 Other place getters were Annette (second in Table Topics) and Rhys. (Third in Table Topics.)

Congratulations to all who took part.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Meeting 859 "Goals"

The theme "Goals" was appropriate for our first meeting in the new Toastmaster year. Our new president, Sharyn opened the meeting on a positive note and Round Robin Master Robert asked members to state what their goals were for the coming year.

As Toastmaster of the evening, Tony kept the meeting flowing  motivational quotes between segments.

Jennine presented her Icebreaker, telling about her love of crafts, particularly knitting.

Dave read the Poem, "The Highwayman" for his Interpretive reading project.

The raffle was won by Liz.

Awards for the evening went to Raider (Best Table Topic, Jennine (Best speech And Personal Best), Rhys (Best Evaluator) & Tony (Best Contribution.)

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Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Meeting 858 - Changeover Dinner - Theme of Colour Your World

Congratulations to Marlene for arranging a fabulous changeover dinner to say 'thank you' to the outgoing executive team, and 'welcome' to the incoming.

Congratulations to award recipients: Sandgate Toastmaster of the Year, Sharyn; 100% Attendance, Dave H; and Most Improved, Kylie.

Thank you to outgoing Area Governor Deb for her support, enthusiasm and input this year - her visits have been an absolute pleasure and we look forward to supporting her as incoming Division Governor.

Thank you to the Full Moon Hotel for use of their facilities throughout the year, it is a great venue for our meetings.

Photos of the evening in no particular order - despite my efforts - this blogsite likes to add its own touch.