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Saturday, 12 March 2011

Meeting 847 9th March 2011

We are always pleased to have a visit from our Area Governor, Deb Smith.
Deb presented an inspiring speech. She also joined in the fun with our theme of "Insects."

New member Lynda was inducted. She also presented the word for the evening, "Elucidate." Trish, David, Raider, Dave, Rhys, June & Sharyn managed  to use the word during the evening.

We heard some excellent speeches by Rhys and Trish, and an Educational Session by Sharyn.

The supper break was a good time to socialise.

Award winners for the evening were
Personal Best : Lynda
Best Contribution: Raider
Best Evaluation: Dave
Beat table Topic: Trish
Best Speech: Rhys

Monday, 28 February 2011

Contests at Eventide

The standard was very high and the judges must have had a difficult task at the Interpretive Reading & Novice Speaker Contests on Sunday. We were proud of our contestants, Jonathon and David.  Their performance was even better than when they first presented in our club.

David gave a lively performance as "Wee Dave" in his speech "Welcome to my time Machine."

Jonathon had everyone enthralled with his reading of "Bad Jelly the Witch." He took first prize in the Interpretive Reading Contest.

The winner of the Novice Speech Contest was Ranjeet Cavanagh (from another club)
Alan Murray (also from another club) took second place in both contests.

We all enjoyed the afternoon.

Meeting 850 "Love"

It may have been just past Valentines Day, but it was still a good opportunity to use "Love" as our meeting theme. Jonathon set us a challenge with his Round Robin when he asked what foolish thing had we done in the name of love. It was interesting to see that  more men than women admitted to acting foolishly.

There were quite a few programme changes. Kylie and Jonathon quickly thought of some Table Topics in the absence of a Table Topics master, and Raider and Trish both had a speech ready to fill in for absent speakers. A good Toastmaster is always prepared!

Raider won both the "Best Speaker"  and the "Personal Best" awards. Damian also won 2 awards - "Best Table Topic" and "Best Evaluator" as well as one of the raffle prizes. (He had a good night.) The "Best Contribution" award went to John, who had performed admirably as Toastmaster.

Kylie will add photos later.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Metro Division Conference coming up

Who is coming to the Metropolitan Division Conference on the 12th March? You heard the winners from each club at our Area at the Area Conference, now come & hear the winners from all the Areas in the Metropolitan Division.

Special Educational Session by Mark Hunter
World Champion of Public Speaking 2009
A showcase of the contest winners from all 7 Areas.  Don’t miss this opportunity to support your Area contestant and hear the best do battle for a place at District finals.

Time: 8:00 for 8:45 am

Finish: 5.30 pm

Date:     Saturday, 12 March 2011     
Time:    8:00am registration & briefings                    8:45am—5.30 pm conference & contests
Venue:  The Auditorium, Broncos Leagues Club,              Fulcher Road, Red Hill
Cost:       Pre-Registration—FULL DAY
             $36:00 per person—includes Lucky Door               Prize, all day tea and coffee, a,m. tea,               full buffet lunch at Players Buffet &               Grill with a choice of roast, Asian or  pasta dishes, salads & desserts.
              Pre-Registration—HALF DAY
              $15:00 lunch NOT included                          8:45—12 noon or 1—5:30 pm
              Registration ON THE DAY
              $40:00 full day, $16:00 half day
              At the door entry is cash or cheque
              No eftpos or credit card facilities.

Parking: There is plenty of parking,  street or               front and rear of venue 

Disability parking in rear car park

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Interpretive Reading & New Speaker Contests

"Wow!" was the reaction of chief judge Liz, after hearing the contestants last meeting. Our New Speakers, presented speeches of a very high standard.  David's speech was titled, "Welcome to my Time Machine." Nicole's speech was about "Digital Natives" and Liz Welch's speech was "The Rudest Invention."

The Interpretive Reading Contest also brought out the best in Damian, with his reading of "Pompeii,"  Dave with a Lewis Carol poem, and Jonathon who read a children's story.

 David won the New Speaker Contest and Jonathon won the Interpretive Reading. They will compete with other clubs in the Area 8 Contest on Sunday, 27th February  in the Eventide Auditorium , Brighton.

Come along and support them. It will be an interesting afternoon.

Friday, 11 February 2011

Progress Charts

When you complete a project in your speech manual, don't forget to write it on our progress chart.

Also, make sure you get someone to evaluate your meeting role in the Competent Leader Manual.
Make it count towards your CL award!

Monday, 7 February 2011

Metropolitan Division Training Day

Sharyn, Tony, Trish and I attended the Training Day at St Joseph's College on Saturday, 5th February.

It was a very hot day, so we were relieved to find that St Joseph's have installed air conditioning in all their class rooms.

It was very helpful to share experiences and problems with other club executives. I always enjoy meeting our friends from other clubs.

A highlight of the day was seeing our friend Marilyn Freeman receive a well earned "Division Governor of the Year" award.

Monday, 31 January 2011

Meeting 848 Overcoming Adversity

"Overcoming Adversity" was an appropriate theme for the day before Australia Day, since so many Australians have been coping with floods that have affected 75% of our country.

John got into the spirit and history of Australia by wearing a convict's outfit. His effort was appreciated and evoked comments such as, "Did Doris let you out for the night?"

Toastmaster Leesa kept the meeting flowing with inspiring quotes about overcoming adversity. The theme was also followed through with the Round Robin and Table Topics. Most of the Table Topics "victims" were relatively new Toastmasters, who overcame any signs of nervousness and rose to the occasion.

 Nicole efficiently performed the role of Timekeeper for the first time.

Marlene gave a demonstration of Interpretive Reading.

David presented his second speech titled, "Why is it so Hard?"

Liz presented her Icebreaker about what made her decide to emigrate to Australia. She won the Best Speaker and Personal Best awards.

 Guests Harry, Jeanene, Kerry and Linda said they enjoyed the meeting. We look forward to seeing them again next time.

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Kurek Ashley Seminar.

"The person in the mirror is you biggest obstacle to achieving your goals."

This was many of the inspiring quotes delivered by peak performance coach Kurek Ashley at the seminar organised by District 69 Toastmasters at the Tingalpa State School.

Some of Kurek’s major accomplishments include:
Taking the Australian women's beach volleyball team to the Gold Medal at the 2000 Olympic Games.
Holds the world record for the longest firewalk.
Has acted in many Hollywood movies.
Author of book "How Would Love Respond."
David and I attended the seminar and came home feeling inspired and challenged.