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Thursday, 29 June 2023

Meeting 1131 "Music"

 "Groovy" was the word chosen by our Wordmaster Helen, and it proved to be a groovy meeting. Club President Paul welcomed everyone, including our new member Michael and guest Will.

Control was then handed to Gokul as Toastmaster of the evening, who used a burst of bright music to introduce the theme he had chosen - "Music."  John proposed a toast "To Music."


Helen explained that she loved the songs from "The Sound of Music," and had everyone singing "Do Re Me."

Round Robin Master Marlene invited everyone to tell what their favourite music was. The responses were varied - including Classical, Rock & Roll, Country & Western, Blue Grass, Bollywood and others.

Gail W presented her Icebreaker speech, "Seen and Heard." She told of some past experiences and the reason she had decided to join Toastmasters.

Paul's amusing speech  "Confessions of a Lapsed Toastmaster " was about his procrastination in preparing a speech.

Gail W

Narelle's speech about body language had everyone in fits of laughter.

Narelle's audience

The speech evaluators were Tony, Dan and Jonathon. 


The raffle, supplied by Narelle was a box crammed with goodies and was very popular. It was won by Gokul.

Narelle's Raffle 

Supper, provided by Peter and Gail W was a good time to catch up.

Supper Time

Catching up

Trish conducted the Table Topics session, with topics for Liz, Michael, Tony, Gail H, Helen, Peter and Rosie. She finally revealed that she had chosen the topics with the help of Chat GPT.

The topics were:
1. What type of music don't you like and why?
2. If you could learn to play a musical instrument, which one would you choose and why?
3.Who is your favourite singer or band?
4. How does music influence your mood and energise or relax you?
5. Do you have a particular song that has sentimental value?
6. What was a memorable concert that you have attended?
7. What is your all time favourite song and why?

The Table Topics were evaluated by Peter and Arun.


Timekeeper Rosie announced that the meeting was running right on time.

Michael Dan & Rosie

Hazel gave a comprehensive General Evaluation of the entire meeting.


The evening's awards were presented to Tony - Best Table Topic, Tony and Jonathan (Tie) - Best Evaluation, Narelle and Gail W (tie) - Best Speech and Gail W - Most Improved.

Award Winners 27 June

There will no meeting on the 11th July as we will be attending our Changeover Dinner. 

Next Regular Meeting will be on the 25th July.

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Meeting 1130 "Endurance"

 Toastmasters always manage to rise to the occasion. Although winter ills and work commitments had resulted in a lower attendance, the programme was easily filled with many members taking on extra roles.

Dan took on the role of Sergeant at Arms in Gokul's absence. He opened the meeting and handed control to President Paul.


Paul welcomed first time visitor Michael and introduced the word for the evening, "Persevere."

John presented the toast to "The development of mental endurance."

Gail W
Gail W presented the "Round Robin" warm up by asking "What is the most recent thing that you endured and what have you learned about yourself from it?" 

This provoked some interesting stories. Some were amusing. Some could possibly be developed into a full length speech in the future.

The prepared speeches were delivered by three of our most advanced speakers, John, Liz and Trish.



John's speech "Shopping Strife with My Wife" had everyone laughing.

Liz's inspiring speech about her journey in Toastmasters was a "Serving as a Leader in a Volunteer Organisation" project.

Trish inspired us with her speech "Say No to Imposter Syndrome."

They were evaluated by Jonathon, Gail and Peter.



Dan offered an non-alcoholic as well as an alcoholic choice in his raffle which resulted in a brisk trade for tickets. It was won by Trish.

Dan's Raffle

Supper was provided by Leanne and John. Even though Leanne was unable to attend the meeting, she had made a quiche and delivered it before the meeting, which was greatly appreciated and disappeared fast! I almost didn't get a photo!

Leanne's quiche

Supper time

Marlene conducted the Table Topics session, inviting participants to draw a word from a bag and to speak about it. All the words were related to endurance.

Participants were Hazel, with the word "climb." Paul - "illness," Peter - "long wait," Gail - "toothache," Chris - "hard work". And our guest Michael who agreed to take part, spoke on the word "hunger." (He later told us that Trish's speech had inspired him to give it a go!)

The topics were evaluated by Hazel and Dan. Hazel was also timekeeper.


Grammarian Jonathon mentioned some of the alliterations during the speeches and gave some hints on avoiding filler words.

Paul, in spite of having to perform multiple meeting roles managed to give a comprehensive and helpful general evaluation of the entire meeting.

Award winners of the evening were Peter (Most Improved,) Michael (Best Table Topic,) Trish (Best Speech,) and Jonathon (Best Evaluation.)

Award winners 13 June 2023

Next meeting Tuesday 27th June. 
The following meeting on the 11th July will be our Change Over Dinner at "The Sands Social" to mark the beginning of a new Toastmasters year, which always starts in July.