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Thursday, 29 October 2020

Meeting 1071 - Near Misses

 Excellent organisation and management skills were demonstrated by President Leanne when threatening thunderstorms curtailed the scheduled "in person" Meeting and a total Zoom Meeting was arranged. Leanne also has organised the "on line" event for the Area Conference on 7th November. All Members will be able to watch the Contests live on line on that day. Details to follow.

Vice President Gail provided the updated roles for Members, and control was handed to Toastmaster Jonathon. He reminded us that in October 1962 the Cuban Missile Crises was indeed a Near Miss, probably for World peace.


A Toast to "Taking Advantage of Opportunities" was presented by Gail.


Wordmaster Leanne provided "Stupendous", meaning amazingly large or good, and Trish used it at every opportunity, followed closely by Jonathon, plus many Toastmasters throughout the evening.


The Round Robin segment was presented by Monica and Toastmasters were asked to relate their near miss tales. It was very interesting to hear the varied responses - some tall tales and true, some totally fiction.



Evaluator Leesa introduced Dan's Speech "The Healing Power of Sport".



Evaluator Darryl introduced Hazel's Speech "The Manipulative Tactics of Some Real Estate Agents" which was a follow on from the original speech, taking on board feedback.



Third Speech was by Jakob "Solving the Right Problem" and was evaluated by Trish.



Gokul did an excellent job with the timing effects and provided concise reports on all segments.


The "Virtual Raffle" provided by Monica was not surprisingly won by Monica, as no tickets were sold!

Table Topics presented by Chris D provided further opportunities to expand on the theme.

Chris D.

Liz Wo. spoke about a near miss she can never forget.

Liz Wo.

Darryl's topic was "Saved by the Bell".

Jonathon spoke about a near miss that could have ended in embarrassment.

Gail gave her thoughts on "A Second Chance".

Marlene was asked "What usually goes through your mind after a near miss?".

Monica's topic was about any near misses that could have cost her or her family dearly.

Evaluators for Table Topics were Trevor and Christiane.



The Business Session was chaired by Liz Wo. and dealt with a motion for subsidising the cost of the Christmas Meeting meal. The motion was carried.

Grammarian Marlene provided excellent feedback, including the clever use of Triads by 3 of the speakers. Triads are a set of 3 words or phrases, or 3 questions, or 3 sequences. 

General Evaluator Liz We. (weirdly appearing out of the window of the local Church like some haunted house) provided good suggestions for improvement as well as the areas which worked well for the on line Meeting.

Liz We.


Best Speech - Hazel. Best Evaluator - Trish. Best Table Topic - Gail and Marlene tied for this honour. Most Improved - Hazel.

Next Meeting (weather permitting) will be held at The Wellness Hub in person and on-line via Zoom.

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Meeting 1070 - Table Topics and International Speech Contests

 This Meeting was conducted once again via Zoom and in person, which enables all Members to be part of the event.

President Leanne opened the Meeting and welcomed first time guests Anna, Cassandra and Sonya. She also welcomed the guest judges (on line) - Jenny, Denise, Jim, Debbie, David, Mark, Darren and Kimberley.

Gokul's Toast was to the "Contestants".


The Table Topics Contest was chaired by Jonathon. He gave the Table Topic "The Day I Met My Hero".


Contestants were Paul, John T, Darryl, Christiane, Leanne and Dan.



Place Getters: First Christiane, Second Leanne and Third, Darryl.

Darryl, Christiane and Leanne

After a short supper break, the International Speech Contest began. Contest Toastmaster was Peter, who did an excellent job as his first time in the role.

Contestants were Christiane, John T, Leanne and Darryl.

Place Getters: First Leanne, Second Christiane and Third Darryl.

Christiane, John T, Leanne, Darryl and Peter

Congratulations to all participants. The Winners will take part in the Area Contest on 7th November.

A big thank you for the Judges and the great job they did. Also the Members who took on roles of Tally Counters, Timers and Sergeant at Arms.

Hazel and Chris D.

A reminder that the next Meeting on 27 October will be held at the Brighton Wellness Hub. It will also be available via Zoom.

Thursday, 1 October 2020

Meeting 1069 - Holiday Feelz

 The holiday mood was obvious with reduced numbers present, but whilst small in number it was a dynamic Meeting. It started with Dan telling of his favourite holiday activities and reading the Mission Statement.

President Leanne congratulated Chris H for completing Level 1 of his Pathways Innovative Planning Project. This makes 4 Members who have achieved this milestone. Members were informed that Gail is not well and a card wishing her well was distributed to those present to sign.

Chris H.

Chris H as Toastmaster set the scene by wearing an Hawaiian shirt, and offered snippets of holiday activities that everyone could enjoy. He welcomed return Guest Peter.

Program changes were extensive but efficiently adjusted, which showed obvious previous consultation and willingness of Members to step in. Well done all.

Round Robin was conducted by Gokul, with the theme "When someone says Holiday, what is the first thing that comes to mind". Everyone had happy memories to contribute.


Timer for the first half of the Meeting was Dan, (taking the holiday theme too far by looking so relaxed) and during the second part Timer was Darryl.


All transitions between the "virtual" and "real" went very smoothly, a credit to the technical people who seem to have this pattern sorted well.

Speech 1 by Peter, entitled "Getting Things Done" was evaluated by Marlene.



Speech 2 by Liz We, about Project Management, was evaluated by Paul.

Li We.


Speech 3 by Darryl "You Decide" was evaluated by Christiane.


Raffle Master and well travelled Christiane provided a "mystery" prize which consisted of items from 3 different countries, and the only hint was that they could be used in the kitchen and dining room. The winner was Peter and he revealed the Cook Book from Germany, Sheep salt and pepper shakers from New Zealand, and Coasters from Switzerland. 

Following a delicious supper provided by Leanne, the Speech Fest continued.

Speech 4 - Leanne presented her speech "Missing Out" which was evaluated by Annette.



Speech 5 - Trish spoke on "Purposeful Body Language" and gave excellent examples. It was evaluated by Darryl.


The General Evaluation was presented by Liz Wo.

Liz W.


Best Speech, Leanne, Best Evaluation, Paul, and Most Improved, Peter.

Peter and Leanne