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Thursday, 28 June 2018

Meeting 1016 - A Day at the Races - Changeover Dinner

Toastmasters put on their best Race Day gear for a night of fun and fabulous food.

President Annette welcomed guests: Area 8 Director Irene, Kirsty's husband Michael, Stephen's Wife Wendy, Steve's Wife Heather, Gail's Husband Brian, and Eileen's Husband Ian.

Annette proudly presented Liz with her 30 year Membership Certificate.
Presentations of badges were made to Leesa and Liz for milestone achievements this year in Club.

Irene and Liz
John was awarded a Triple Crown badge for his achievement of 3 Toastmaster Awards in one year.

Steve was the Toastmaster who invited Trish to present the Invocation. Trish chose a key word of "Energy" which is the essence of Sandgate Club.


Trish and John
The Sandgate Toastmasters Cup 2018 was then conducted by John, with a late entry of Woody the Wonder Horse being declared winner.

A delicious meal of either Lamb Shanks or Salmon was enjoyed by all.

The Round Robin was conducted by Stephen, a tale which began as a day at the Races and progressed to scheming shysters, chopped off fingers, fanciful prancing unicorns, and just proves how imaginative Toastmasters can be.

The Raffle presented by Monica and Leesa took on a different format - all the books which were donated were to be offered as lucky draws so that all present went home with a collection of reading matter.

Monica and Leesa
The Toast to "Toastmasters International" was proposed by Eileen, to "Toastmasters International Spirit" and also acknowledging the Outgoing and Incoming Executive Officers.

Table Topics - conducted by none other than Darryl - began with a story about winning a trip to Melbourne Cup in 1969 and was continued with each speaker ending with time travel from the future and would Jonathon really be here now.


Participants included Marlene, Carmy, Casey, Blake, Trevor, Paul and Jonathon, as well as John, Annette and Trish.

Installation of the 2018-2019 Executive was handled very effectively by Irene. Unfortunately Incoming President Christiane was still in Mackay owing to a flight delay.

The duly elected Executive - minus Christiane
Annette had the honour of presentation of Trophies. The 2018 Toastmaster of the Year was awarded to John. Well done John. Most Improved Trophy winner is TBA.

Annette and John
A reminder that there are 3 Meetings in July, as we have another 5th Tuesday.
Annette as Immediate Past President Annette will be acting President in Christaine's absence.

Sandgate Toastmasters - a Day at the Races 2018

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Club Officer Training July 2018

Who's coming to Club Officer training? It's free to all Toastmasters whether they hold an executive role or are just interested in finding out more about Toastmasters and what the various roles involve.

Most of the sessions are very interesting and informative. You also get to meet Toastmasters from other clubs.

You will need to register to attend. If you click on this link, it will take you straight to the sign-in page.

Click for larger size

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Meeting 1015 - To Good Health

Sargent At Arms Chris opened the Meeting and introduced President Annette. Guests David, Lenore, Bing, Sharyn, Trevor and Kevin were warmly welcomed.

Former Toastmasters Lenore and Bing, Toastmaster of the night Jonathon

Jonathon as Toastmaster of the Evening continued with the theme of To Good Health by reminding us that this week is Men's Health Week.
 A Toast to "A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body" was proposed by Marlene.

Wordmaster Eileen gave us "Wellbeing" in keeping with the theme.

We were treated to an Impromptu Speech by Leesa entitled "How Toastmasters helped my job in a Call Centre". Trish evaluated and congratulated Leesa on an excellent presentation.

Gail spoke on "How Breast Cancer has invaded our lives" and this was evaluated by Blake.

 Table Topics were presented by Stephen, covering topics about health and well being.


 Participants were Christiane (how Australians can be healthier), John (keep away from addictive foods), Sharyn (what is her weakness), Darryl (sport he regrets not taking up in his youth), Trevor (what age old remedy was he given by his grandma), and Eileen (what food would describe you).

Table Topics were evaluated by Karen and John.



The Raffle was a riddle by Liz about how winning this could make you Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.
Lucky one was Kirsty.

Liz with the health and wealth giving parsley plant
Casey controlled the timing, providing updates throughout the Meeting.

 Another Speech by Kirsty titled "Memory" was evaluated by Paul.

Then the long awaited 10th Speech by Leesa,, entitled "My Hobby". This marks the completion of her Competent Communicator Manual. The speech was evaluated by Annette.

Leesa and her Decorative Art

The Business Meeting was chaired by first timer Chris, who was thrown a few tricky moments which he handled well.
Grammarian Liz praised those who used good phrasing, including Jonathon's "Dollops of
Well Being" and Gail's "barbaric, and strict taboo".

The overall General Evaluation was prepared by Carmy and she covered all areas extremely well offering suggestions for improvement and commending segments which were excellent.

Awards: Best Speech and Most Improved went to Leesa. Congratulations on a job well done.

Winners are Grinners
       Best Evaluator - Trish, Best Table Topic - John

A reminder that the next Meeting on 26 June is the Change Over Dinner.