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Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Meeting 1003 Cowboys and Indians

The Wild West came to Sandgate complete with horses, a Sheriff and even a Saloon barmaid and assorted cowboys and cowgirls.
President Annette opened with Meeting by acknowledging Area 8 Contestants and winners. She also welcomed guests Casey and Andrea, and visiting Narangba Valley Member Daniel.

Just horsing around

Toastmaster Leanne, dressed as an Indian Squaw, guided us with precision with a series of stories about Cowboys and Indians and segued from each item on the Agenda with ease.

Blake presented the Toast - to John Wayne (aka Marion Morrison) - 'The Duke".
He quoted one of The Duke's many memorable lines - "Out here, due process is a bullet".


Wordmaster Lien gave us "Courageous" as the word for the meeting. She had well researched its meaning and gave examples.

Carmy was Round Robin Master. She asked us all to give our American Indian name. This provided all Members with a challenge and many imaginative names were created.


Speech 1 was an Ice Breaker by Marie, entitled "What will I do when I grow up", which told her very interesting life story. The Speech was evaluated by Darryl.


Speech 2 was also an Ice Breaker by Stephen, entitled "Façade, Humility and Achievement". This was another fascinating story of Stephen's triumph over illiteracy, and was evaluated by John.


Kirsty evaluated Annette's informative speech entitled "Killer Condiment" about salt and the many dangers of over indulging.


Marlene kept in the theme with an innovative Raffle containing a John Wayne DVD, Wagonwheel biscuits and a rice cooker (complete with recipes for Cowboy Rice). It was won by Carmy.

Nick was a very efficient timekeeper and gave his reports succinctly and precisely.

Time Keeper Nick

Peter also kept with the theme with Table Topics. Participants Karen, Blake, Marlene, Chris, Tim, Jim, Daniel and Jonathon all gave creative answers to some tricky questions, amid much laughter.

The Topics were evaluated by Christiane and Tim.


New segments on the program added interest. Monica gave a quote "Challenges are what makes life interesting" and elaborated on the challenges that the American Indians had faced to survive and live off the land.


Show and Tell gave Gail an opportunity to display her masterpiece quilt which she finds a fulfilling passion.

Soapbox presented by Karen told of how Curiosity is the Essence of Life, and applied to us all.


Grammarian Jonathon enlightened us on the use of fillers - e.g. ums and ahs. His wise advice to take a breath, and pause instead, is sure to be heeded by all Members.

Listening Quiz was conducted by Chris, testing our attention to all sections of the agenda.


The General Evaluation was conducted by Liz.


Are these guys the 3 Amigos?

Awards:   Best Speech             -    Stephen
           Best Evaluation       -    John
                  Best Table Topic     -    Jonathon
                 Most Improved        -    Stephen

Christmas Break Up Dinner on the 12th December . If you haven't paid for your dinner yet, contact Blake for details on how to pay by this Friday 1st Dec.

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Meeting 1002. Going to the movies

 "Going to the Movies" was the theme of the meeting.

Paul, standing in for Sergeant at Arms Chris called the meeting to order and handed control to President Annette.


Annette welcomed our guest Casey, and presented Leanne with a certificate of appreciation for her outstanding leadership and contribution in organising our club's recent 1000th meeting celebrations.

Blake was Toastmaster of the evening and kept it flowing smoothly. It was his first time in that role.

The Toast was presented by Tim, who is working through the Special Occasion speech manual.
Since it was a manual project, the toast was evaluated by Nikki. It was Nikki's first time as evaluator.


Word Master Robyn chose the word "surreal." which is uesd to describe an event, circumstance or situation that seems unreal.
Round Robin Master Stephen  asked us to tell about our favourite movie. There were a  variety of responses.


Lien & Christiane in audience

Table Topic Gail called on Marlene, Liz We, Leesa and Steve to tell about their first, scariest, worst and most viewed movie.

Gail - TT Master

Marlene - First Movie

Liz We - Scariest Movie

Leesa - Worst Movie

Steve - Most seen Movie
They were evaluated by  Kirsty and .John.

Supper was supplied by Steve, who in keeping with the "Going to the Movies theme, had brought ice creams for everyone.


Pathways Guide Christiane presented an informative session and answered questions about the new Pathways educational programme that our club will soon be using.


A business session followed, with Karen acting as chairman.


Grammarian Leanne commented on the use of words during the meeting.


Time keeper Darryl reported that the meeting was running on time.


Jim was the General Evaluator

Jonathon's raffle, a bag of Christmas goodies, was won by Liz Wo.

Liz We

President Annette closed the meeting and presented the evening's awards to Karen (Most Improved,)
John (Best Evaluation) and Marlene (Best Table Topic.)

Karen, John,Marlene

Next meeting on the 28th November will be the final one before our Christmas Break Up Dinner. Blake will be accepting payment from those who will be attending the  dinner

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Pathways next meeting

Our club will soon be using the exciting new Pathways programme. Next meeting Christiane will explain how it works and answer any questions you may have. There will still be time for our usual fun with Table Topics, Round Robin etc.

Tuesday 14th November at The Full Moon Hotel (upstairs). 6.30pm for 7pm.

See you there!

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Area 8 Conference 2017

The Area 8 Conference was a wonderful success, thanks to the efforts of Area Director Irene and her team and to all who competed in the contest or acted as officials.

Here are some photos.

Contest Toastmaster Annette briefed Evaluation Contesantts

The time keepers are ready - Liz We & Gail

Jonathon - Conference Chairma

Test Speaker Alison

Evaluation Placegetters
Danielle third, Liz Wo First, Darryl second

Stretching exercises

Table Topics
Contest Master Teena, 1st place Christiane, Area Director Irene

Table Topics
Leanne 3rd, Christiane 1st Daniel 2nd

Christiane with husband Shane

Teena & Marilyn

Contest Toastmaster Jenny interviewed Humorous Contestants

Humorous Speech Participants

Humorous Speech
1st Allan, 2nd Nikki, 3rd David

Guest Speaker Marilyn

Always entertaining

Always inspiring

International Speech
Area Director Irene, 1st place Darryl, 2nd Allan, 3rd David, Contest Toastmaster Brendan 

Area Director Irene & Darryl

Sandgate members (Liz Wo, Karen, Gail & Chris had already left).

 Jonathon with Winners from Sandgate
(Liz had already left)

 Liz Wo 
Kris (of Redcliffe Peninsula Toastmasters) was the official photographer at the Area 8 Conference.

You can see his photos on this page.