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Friday, 16 June 2017

Meeting 991 "The Toastmaster Who Came in from the Cold"

A cold and rainy night provided an appropriate setting for the theme of the meeting.
We had one guest, Trish's husband Peter, who has been a friend of our club for a long time.

President Steve proposed the Toast. He had just flown in from Rockhampton, so we toasted  "The wonderful city of Rockhampton."

The Toastmaster of the evening was Jonathon, who looked very cosy in his special beanie.
Wordmaster Zoe introduced an old Norse word "Saga," meaning a long complicated story, and told us about the origin of the word.


The Round Robin was conducted by Gail. She invited us to tell of our most unusual experience of the cold. There were some very interesting, humorous and eye watering sagas.

Blake presented his second speech, "The Holy Grail." and told us how we can be healthier by making  three changes in our diet.
1. Drink organic apple cider vinegar.
2. Plenty of fibre.
3. Red, blue of purple fruit, which is rich in  anthocyanins.

Jonathan suggested that the biscuits that Carmy had provided for supper would be healthy, since they were in a blue packet.

 Chris' speech "Adventure before Dementia" was also his second. He spoke about "Grey Nomads" and their contribution to society.


Marlene's speech "Gossip" completed her Competent Communication manual for the second time and earned her another  CC award.

The speeches were evaluated by Christiane, Leesa and Tim.


 Gail's raffle was a bag of winter goodies - a beanie, scarf, chocolate,  hot water bottle, and hot chocolate mix. It was won by Leesa.

The business session  was chaired by Paul (his first time as chairman.) Some items for discussion were our Changeover Dinner next meeting, booking a stall at the Einbunpin Festival and the proposed purchase of a new Toastmasters sign to place outside the room on meeting nights.


Table Topics Master had prepared topics for Carmy, Robyn, Annette M, Steve, Annette T and John.


Carmy - Favourite winter clothes
Robyn - Cold weather food

Annette M - how to spend cold wet day
Steve - nickname

Annette - does Wonder woman get cold
John - successful skater or speaker

They were evaluated by Karen (evens) and Annette M (odds.)
Annette M

Grammarian John commented on some vocabulary and word pictures used during the meeting.

 Nick was Time Keeper.

Darryl gave a General Evaluation of the entire meeting.

 President Steve presented the evenings awards to (ascending in height) Marlene (Best Speech,) John (Best Table Topic,) Karen (Best Evaluation) and Chris (Most Improved.)

Award winners 13 June 2017
Next meeting night (27th June) we will have our Changeover Dinner. It will be a catered meal so if you are coming, you will need to contact Jim as soon as possible and pay for your meal if you haven't already done so.

We will be having our popular book raffle again. Please bring a book or CD or DVD that you feel you can part with. It doesn't have to be new, as long as it is in good condition. Fiction or Non Fiction.  We'll raffle them in small bundles. The more books we have the more prizes we can offer.

If you don't have a suitable book to bring, there are plenty of Op shops around where you can find good books for a low price.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Club Officer Training

Who's coming to Club Officer training? It's free to all Toastmasters whether they hold an executive role or are just interested in finding out more about Toastmasters and what the various roles involve.

Most of the sessions are very interesting and informative. You also get to meet Toastmasters from other clubs.

You will need to register to attend. If you click on this link, it will take you straight to the sign-in page. 

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Judges Training

With club contests just around the corner Moreton Division is holding Judges training to ensure our members know how to pick a winner.