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Thursday, 25 May 2017

Meeting 990 "Celebrating Multiculturalism"

Another new member for our club! President Steve inducted Peter. He also welcomed our special guest District Administration Manager Jenny and first time visitors Trish, Jack and Caleb.

Steve inducted Peter
 Toastmaster Annette M introduced the theme of the evening, "Multiculturalism" and kept the meeting flowing smoothly.

Annette M

Zoe proposed the Toast, and Wordmaster Deb presented the word "Fortuitious" meaning "happening by chance."



Nikki used humour in her second speech, "What I Learned about Life through Working with Death." She had 5 main points.
1. Our time is finite.
2. We are a society of Stuff.
3. Being present is a gift.
4. Little things can make a big impact.
5. There is a lot to be grateful for.


 Leesa's speech, "My Italian Journey" was her 7th. Leesa is learning to speak Italian and she had brought her friend Denise to join her in a brief conversation in Italian at the beginning of the speech.


Jim used the projector to explain how Hydraulics work and also gave a practical demonstration.

The evaluators were Jonathon, John and Marlene.



Blake's raffle was a bag of goodies, containing wine, chocolates, scented candle etc. It was won by Annette M.

 Time Keeper Karen reported that the meeting was running a little over time so the supper break was shortened. Biscuits were provided by Deb.


Table Topics Master Tim had prepared topics  related to multiculturalism, and had put them all on the whiteboard for his participants  Jenny, Blake, Deb,  Zoe, Peter and Nick to choose from.


Jenny - Many cultures
Blake - Music

Deb - Fashion
Zoe - Event

Peter - Restaurant
Nick - Festival

Table Topics Evaluators were Annette T and Steve.


Carmy presented a review of the movie "Lion."

In her "Show  and Tell" segment, Robyn showed the cow figurine  that she had bought when she attended the Margaret River Cow Parade.

Darryl conducted a lively Listening Quiz and Grammarian Gail reported on words and fillers used.


Our special guest Jenny presented an encouraging address.

DAM  Jenny
Christiane gave a detailed General Evaluation of the meeting.


Award winners were Leesa (Most Improved,) Jonathon (Best Evaluation,) Nikki (Best Speech,) and Blake (Best Table Topic.)

Award winners 23 May 2017
The meeting finished a little later than usual.

Next meeting 13th June

Our Changeover Dinner will be held  on the 27th June.
The meal will be $35, but club members will be subsidised and will only have to pay $20. Please pay Jim next meeting or you can pay directly into the club's bank account. See Jim for details.

We have also been invited to Peninsula Club's Changeover on the 3rd July. Special guest speakers will be the International Speech winner who will be competing at the International Conference in Vancouver in August and the Humorous Speech winner. See Darryl for more information.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Meeting 989 "One Unique Life" & Elections

What makes you unique? Toastmaster Karen explained how our unique brain works as she kept the meeting flowing smoothly.

There were two guests, Peter and Thomas.

Toastmaster Karen
 Gail proposed a toast to volunteers,
 Word Master Chris chose the word "Lustre."


Word of the evening

 Round Robin Master Blake asked us to tell what unique traits we have. This was a fun session as we discovered how unique our members are and what strange habits some have!

Robyn presented her "Ice Breaker" speech, "A Balancing Act" and told how  she was born under the sign of Libra (the scales) and has learned how to find balance in her life.

It was evaluated by Steve.

Nick's speech was an interesting verbal tour of Government House, where he has worked in the gardens.  Nick's speech was evaluated by Trish.

Liz presented an Educational session on how to evaluate. Liz explained how to refer to the speaker in the opening, give 3 positive points, suggest 2 points for improvement, and summarise - and above all to encourage the speaker.

Robyn's raffle was a celebration of wine, chocolates, streamers and photo frames. The lucky winner was Gail.

Robyn's raffle
After a supper of buns, chocolate biscuits, crackers and dip provided by Zoe, Nick called the meeting to order and Leanne conducted the Business Session. It was her first time in that role.

Chairman Leanne
This segued into the Election of new Club Officers for the coming Toastmaster year, and was conducted by John. Jim wrote the names of the candidates on the whiteboard while Trish ensured that protocol was followed.

John - Election of Club Officers

The Election resulted in the following position:

President: Annette
Vice President Education: Christiane
Vice President Membership: Karen
Vice President Public Relations: Marlene
(assisted by Jonathon, Darryl, Liz, Kirsty & Annette M)
Secretary: Tim
Treasurer: Blake
Sergeant at Arms: Chris
Trish was appointed Parliamentarian.

These positions will take effect from the first meeting in July.

It was time for fun again. Darryl presented the Table Topics Session and called on Annette, Gail, Zoe, Leesa, Blake and Chris to speak impromptu on his topics.

TT Master Darryl

Annette - "talks to animals"
Gail - "unique challenge"
Zoe - "unique friend's wedding"

Leesa - "Unique outit"

Blake - "Unique moment"

Chris - "what makes me unique"

The Table Topics were evaluated by Jim and Christiane.


Grammarian Annette Mc reported on the good word usage during the meeting, including the scientific words that Toastmaster Karen had used in her description of the brain. She recommended avoiding filler words like "so" and "you know" and suggested that "whatever" is not the best word to use to conclude a report.

Marlene gave a General Evaluation of the meeting.
Annette Mc
Time Keeper John reported that the meeting was running overtime.

President Steve presented the evening's awards to Nick (Most Improved,) Christiane (Best Evaluation,) Annette (Best Table Topic,) and Robyn (Best Speech.)

Award Winner 9th May 2017
Next meeting Tuesday, 23rd May.

Thanks to Kirsty for helping with the photos. 
