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Friday, 26 September 2014

Meeting 930 Contests

Congratulations to the winners of the Evaluation and International Speech Contests, Trish and Annette. They will compete with five other clubs at the Area 8 Conference on the 1st November at the Eventide Health Campus, Brighton.
Winners Evaluation Contest
 Trish came first in the Evaluation Contest, with Annette Second.
Winners International Speech Contest
And Annette came first in the International Speech Contest, with Trish second.

 Contest Toastmasters  were Nicole and Jonathon.
Nicole & Jonathon
We are very grateful to Area 8 Governor Jenny, Area 3 Governor Noela, and Chris and Dell who came to judge our contests, particularly Dell, who also filled in as test speaker at short notice.

Test Speaker Dell

Chief Judge Chris

Nicole & Noela

Toastmaster John S & Jenny
Toastmaster for the meeting was John S who kept the evening flowing smoothly.

It was good to see our guest Jean back again and also her friend Lisa.

Nicole presented new member Peter D with his membership badge.
Peter received badge
Nick read the mission statement and Tim proposed a toast to "Inspiring Others"



Darryl presented an apt quote  by Patricia Fripp, about speaking.

Rafflemaster Maureen was unable to attend, but she took the trouble to ring the hotel and organise a raffle prize of a bottle of wine and a voucher for a meal. Thanks, Maureen! 
Rose presented Maureen's raffle. It was won by Leesa.


Leesa wins raffle

Rose also presented the Round Robin, centering around a bottle of water, and each participant finishing wih the words "and so I thought..." 

Round Robin
Area 8 Governor  Jenny

Area 8 Governor Jenny told us abut the highlights of the Area 8 Conference in November. We are hoping all our members will attend. 

Next meeting will be on the 18th October with a "Sixties - from Rock to Woodstock" theme.  Leesa, Jim, Tim & Peter D will be presenting speeches. Remember there will be an extra week before the next meeting, because there are 5 Tuesdays in September.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Tall Tales

Peter D
Toastmasters is like a large extended family and visiting another Toastmasters club is like a visiting another branch of the family.

Our newest member Peter D and I took part in the Healthy Chatterers Club's Tall Tales night recently. We heard some wild tales and it was a lot of fun. Healthy Chatterers is a small Club that would appreciate extra visitors to their meetings any time. They will make you feel part of the family.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Meeting 929 "Movies"

Peter dM & Rose inducted by Nicole
Welcome to our new member Peter D & reinstated past member Rose who were inducted by President Nicole at the beginning of the meeting.

Nick filled in for Pam as Sergeant -at-Arms.

Toastmaster Amanda welcomed guests Michael, Sophie, Lisa and Jean.

In keeping of the theme of the meeting,  Round Robin Master Leesa asked  "What is your favourite move - and why?" The responses varied from science fiction movies to old classical favourites.  

Table Topic Master Peter V  played recordings of well known movie themes and asked what memories they evoked. John T's topics were also movie related.  
John T
The Table Topics were answered by Leesa,  Annette, Amanda, Sharyn, Maureen & Tim.

Leesa & Peter V




The Table Topics were evaluated by Jim and Trish.


Nicole presented a review of the movie "The Selfish Giant.

We had a feast of raffles .Inge had donated a warm scarf & cushion & a box of Malteasers. Marlene brought a DVD movie and Kerry Millard had donated 2 tickets to the Picnic Races on Sunday.

Leesa presented the raffle & the lucky winners were Marlene, Amanda, Sophie and Peter D.

Supper time
We enjoyed the biscuits provided by John T.


Terry presented his Icebreaker speech and Annette entertained us with a humorous speech, "I Told You So."
They were evaluated by Dave and Sharyn.

The Business Session, chaired by John T proved to be an exercise in moving amendments.
Timekeepers D'sley & Liz were kept busy.

Timerkeepers D'sley & Liz

Quiz time
Toastmaster Amanda conducted a lively movie trivia quiz. Sharyn ran up & down the room with bags of popcorn prizes that Amanda had provided for the winners.

Marlene conducted the General Evaluation and Nicole presented the evening's awards to Amanda (Best Contribution,) Tim (Personal Best,) Annette ( Best Speech and Best Table Topic) and Sharyn (Best Evaluation.)
Amanda, Tim, Annette, Sharyn

Don't forget Semi Annuals are due next meeting, so that Jim can send them before the first October.
Treasurer Jim