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Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Meeting 904 "Technology"

Liz We
 Liz We wore two hats last meeting, when in her role as president she opened the meeting, welcomed our guests Lynne and Tekura, then she took on the role of Toastmaster for the evening. The theme was "Technology" and Liz had plenty of interesting facts and information up her sleeve.

Word Master Inge introduced the word "Precept," meaning an instruction, a command or a mandate.

Ernie read the mission statement and Robert proposed the toast.

In keeping with the theme, Ron presented a quote from Karl Marx, "The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people."

Our Round Robin Master was not present but Del quickly came up with a topic, "What technological item do you use and what item confuses you."  There were some interesting answers.

We had two Table Topic Masters, Leesa and Jim. It was Jim's first time as Table Topics Master.

 Leesas topics were, "What technological item could you never do without?"
"Was there ever any technological item you could not get to work?"
"Have we gone too far with technology?"
"What is the best technological device you have bought?"

The Topics were answered by Robert, June, Bev, and Ron.

 Jim's topics were also related to our theme, "Do school children rely too much on technology?"
"Has medical technology made a difference to your life?"
" 'The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people'. - Do you agree and why?"
" Automatic tellers, etc - what are the consequences to society?"  (This is not the exact wording.)

Jim's topics were answered by Annette, John S, Dave and Inge.

Table Topic Evaluators John S and Del had some encouraging comments and good advice, on using gestures, making eye contact with one person, then moving on to another rather than scanning the room, slowing the speaking rate etc.

There were two speeches. The first was by Annette, speaking from the advanced manual, "Special Occasion Speeches." She presented a toast to someone who was retiring from a business.

It was evaluated by Dave.

The second speech was Ian's Ice Breaker speech. He held us spellbound with his imagery and vocabulary as he spoke about living and working in Siberia where the temperature drops to 40 degrees C below zero and freezes the moisture in your eyeball! 

Ian's speech was evaluated by Liz Wo.


In the absence of our scheduled educational presenter, Marlene presented an educational session on how to find ideas for a Humorous Speech, reminding everyone that our Humorous Speech Contest is the meeting after next.

Some of the tips were:  Think of  incidents that were painful, scary or embarrassing at the time, but are funny in restropect.  
Make fun of yourself, rather than others. Exaggerate your failings and fears
Think of conflicts - eg. dealing with teenagers. toddlers, in-laws, the opposite sex.
Embarrassing Moments. Misunderstandings. 
Observations - describe a crazy world from a straight perspective or vice versa.

Raffle Master June opened her segment with a riddle. "Why did the cat order a computer?" "Because he had heard that a mouse came with it."  The raffle prize was a cordless mouse. It was won by John T.

John T wins raffle
Grammarian John T commented on the use of a pause when speaking and said we could emulate experienced Toastmasters John S, Annette and Liz We. There hadn't been too many fillers such as "Um," "Ah" or "Okay."

General Evaluator Sharyn  gave some encouraging advice. 

Our guests Lynne and Tekura said they had enjoyed the meeting and would be back.

Time Keeper Nicole reported that our meeting was running 2 minutes ahead of time. (Sorry, I can never get a photo of the Time Keeper from where I sit.)

Liz We put her president's hat back on and closed the meeting. 

The evenings awards went to Liz We (Best Contribution,) John S (Best Table Topic,) Ian (Best Speech AND Personal Best,) Liz Wo (Best Evaluation.)

Award winners 24 July 13

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Meeting 903 "Setting Goals"

New member Ian inducted by new President Liz We

Our Toastmasters year always begins on the first of July, so this was a fresh start for us all. The first duty our new President Liz had to perform was to induct a new member Ian into our club. Dave has offered to be Ian's mentor.

Amanda took on the role of Toastmaster of the evening for the first time. She
welcomed our guest Bronwyn and kept the meeting running smoothly, with inspiring quotes interspersed between segments.

Word Master Marlene introduced a  familiar word, "should've" which is a contraction of "should have" - not "should of." She explained that anyone who has written "should of" in an email should've used "should have." The same applies to "would have" "could have" and "must have."

Round Robin Master Nick sent us down memory lane when he asked  if we were a fan of the  Beetles and which one was our favourite.

Ron  used the theme of the meeting in his Table Topics. "The toughest goal you have ever set yourself," "Resolutions are meant to be broken," "How to present your goals to a long serving employee that you have to stand down." "When someone else sets goals for you," and "Why do they put round pizzas in square boxes?" (This is not the exact wording of the topics.)

Jim answers a Table Topic
The topics were answered by Bev, John T, Nicole, Jim, and Liz We.  Annette evaluated the Table Topics and congratulated the speakers and suggested that they could have moved the lectern aside to give them freedom of movement when answering.

Sharyn presented a speech from the advanced manual "The Entertaining Speaker." Her speech was about "Opinions." The speech was evaluated by Liz Wo.

Liz Wo
Jonathon was the first to try out our club's new data projector when he presented his speech, "Minding your Medicine."  It was evaluated by Maureen.

Jonathon tries the new projector,
The Business session was efficiently chaired by Trish. The main item discussed was the information stall we will be conducting at the local Einbunpin Festival on the 28th July.

General Evaluator John T commented  that it was a pity that our Parliamentarian was not present to see  how well the business session was conducted.

Grammarian Nicole commented on the use of  descriptive word pictures and alliteration by some of the speakers as well the ums and aahs, that some of us need to avoid.

John T

Our Raffle Master Robert was not present, but he had sent the raffle prize with Dave, who presented the raffle. It was 2 bags containing pot plants. June and Del were the lucky winners.
Peter won the Books that Marlene had brought.

President Liz We closed the meeting after presenting the evening awards to Bev (Personal Best,) Annette (Best Evaluator,) Nicole and John T (Best Table Topic,) Jonathon (Best Speech,) and Amanda (Best Contribution.

Award Winners 9th July

Monday, 1 July 2013

Changeover Dinner 2013 (Meeting 902)

Executive Team 2013/2014
Welcome and Congratulations to our newly inducted  Executive Officers for 2013 -2014.
They are (from left to right) V.P. Education Marlene, V.P.Membership Maureen, V.P.Public Relations Amanda, President Liz (in centre) Treasurer Nicole, Secretary Leesa and Sergeant-at-Arms Ron.
Other members of the executive team are Immediate Past President Annette and Parliamentarian John S.

Area Governor Denise installed the new executive and presented Annette with the "Toastmaster of the Year" trophy. This award is based on a points system. The points are earned by filling meeting roles, earning Toastmasters Awards, winning Contests, etc.

Annette - Toastmaster of the Year with Area Gov Denise
Another surprised trophy recipient was Dave, who won the President's Award, which is sometimes awarded to a Toastmaster who performs above and beyond their call of duty. Dave never misses a meeting. He is one of the first to arrive to help set up. He is always ready to fill in at the last moment, compete in a contest, or to mentor a new member.
Dave won President's Award & 100%  Attendance

The theme of the evening was "stripes," and people certainly came in different stripes!  Sharyn and Trish wore more stripes than anyone else.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Incoming Area Governor Sharyn with Trish
We are thrilled that one our own members, Sharyn is to be Area Governor this year. Sharyn's effervescent personality is always evident at our meetings.

Her slogan for this year is "Formula Fun!"

Sharyn in Table Topics

Sharyn won a raffle prize

It was a memorable night. Toastmaster Trish entertained us with information about stripes and she had prepared a Trivia quiz that tested our lateral thinking as well as our knowledge.

John T and Nicole had some really challenging Table Topics for  Annette, Dave, Liz Wo, John S, Sharyn, Maureen, Trish & Harry.
Maureen & Nicole

Liz & John T

John S


Last year's book raffle was so popular, we repeated it this year. Everyone brought books - most of them pre read but in pristine condition. They were raffled in bundles of four or five and there were enough for 10 lucky winners.

Incoming President Liz We presented an inspiring speech. She spoke of the club's past achievements and  our aspirations as we approach our 40th year.

Incoming President Liz Wo
Our 2013 - 2014 Toastmasters year is off to a good start!