Kylie |
It was the first meeting of our new Toastmasters Year. (1 July 2012 - 30 June 2013.)
We were pleased to welcome our guest, Jenelle.
Maureen, our new Sergeant at Arms, called the meeting smartly to order and handed control to new President, Annette.
Toastmaster Kylie promoted the winter theme with a collection of beanies and scarves. She also had a supply of winter jokes.
Elizabeth proposed a toast to "Warmth."
Robert introduced the word "Antarctic" and it was used by some during Ernie's Round Robin. Ernie asked the question, "What would you do if you had gills?" This led to some creative answers.
Time keepers were Inge and John T. The first time for both of them in that role.
Dave |
Maureen's Table Topics all related to winter. "A favourite memory of winter," "The first time you saw snow," "The coldest place you've worked in," and "A favourite winter meal."
Jennine, Robert, Harry and Del answered the Table Topics and were evaluated by Dave.
The raffle, donated by Annette, was an attractively wrapped mystery prize in a basket. Trish produced the winning ticket with a shriek that set Robert's guide dog barking.
We had two speeches. John T revealed a great sense of humour in his Icebreaker speech, "My Passions" had us laughing all the way through.
Harry |
Harry's speech, "The Powers of Presentation" was packed with useful information and demonstrated his excellent use of body language.
Evaluators Del and Jonathon had some encouraging remarks and points for improvement for John and Harry.
The Business Session was conducted by Liz We. It was her first time in this role and she was well prepared. The main items discussed were the upcoming Executive Training Sessions and our information stall at the Einbunpin Festival.
Trish |
Trish evaluated the Business Session. She explained why all comments need to be made through the Chairman.
One of our speakers was absent with flu, so Marlene introduced an impromptu Role Playing Session, and called on several members to practice giving information to the "inquirers" at the Einbunpin Festival.
June collected some fines with her listening quiz.
The General Evaluation was performed by Marlene.
President Annette presented the evening's awards to Kylie, (Best Contribution,) Jonathon (Best Evaluation,) Jennine (Best Table Topic,) Harry (Best Speech,) and JohnT (Personal Best.)