Annette congratulated Kerry |
Leesa |
John introduced the word "STARTLING." Later in the evening, he showed us what was startling about the word. By dropping one letter each time can become:
Harry stepped in as Round Robin Master and asked each of us to give a mini "acceptance speech" for an Academy Award. This brought some laughs.
Del continued the theme with her Table Topics and asked Robert, Ernie, Maureen & Terry & Steve (guests)
to speak on topics such as "How to accept an award," Why should you recieve an award," "How to choose a winner," and "Are Academy Awards worthwhile?"
The Table Topics were evaluated by John.
Annette |
Dave |
Dave entertained us with a spirited recitation of Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky.
Annette had every one's attention as she presented an Educational Session about "Meeting Roles."
One of our speakers was away, so a visiting Toastmaster, Terry filled in with a review of the movie "Heist."
Elizabeth |
Elizabeth presented some interesting information about "Lighting."
Liz conducted a lively listening quiz.
Award winners for the evening were:
Leesa Marshal (Best Contribution)
Jonathon (Best Speech)
Harry (Best Evaluation AND Personal Best)
Maureen (Best Table Topic)