The first duty of a Toastmasters Executive Officer is to attend the Officer Training Days which are held twice a year. I usually find the day inspiring and a great opportunity to catch up with old and new friends from other Toastmaster clubs.
The worst part was having to get up early on a very cold morning so we could arrive at St Joseph's College by 8.30 am!
The first session was for the various officer roles. I attended the Presidents training. I liked the way Trish (who presented it) got those who had previously been club presidents to give their contact details to the first time presidents, so we could help one another.
The session that I found most fun was "Taking a New Direction." To get our creative juices flowing, we were divided into teams & given a large piece of Alfoil (silver paper) and asked to make the creature that was printed on a slip of paper that we recieved.
Del from Jacaranda Club put the finishing touches on our team's turtle. It was a miracle that anyone guessed what it was!
One of the teams made an impressive fish that spouted water!
There were a lot of other good sessions to choose from. The one that I found most helpful was "Effective Evaluation." Marilyn D had some really helpful tips, and we had a test speaker to evaluate.
There was an article by Marilyn on evaluation in the last edition of
Corroborree Magazine. Page 14. If you haven't seen it, you can download it from District 69 Website.