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Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Meeting 1168 "Staying Cool"


It was a warm night, when Sandgate Toastmasters met to discuss how to stay cool in this Brisbane summer - or was it how to stay "trendy" cool like our Toastmaster demonstrated.
Stand-in Sergeant At Arms Gail W did a pleasant job calling the meeting to order.

President Helen opened the meeting and called on Toastmaster Chris to lead us through the evening (with tips of how to stay temperature cool - adapted from the animal kingdom - as well as classy).

Brett gave us the Toast of the evening with a sober "Staying Cool"; and Paul gave us the Word of the evening with "Temperate".

We were all encouraged to use the word during the Round Robin conducted by Gail W when she asked us to share how we stay calm and keep our cool in stressful situations.

Breathing was the top answer, but there were some other dispassionate responses that made fellow members and guests laugh out loud.
Our prepared speeches included an IceBreaker :)

  1. Julie reflected what brought her to Toastmasters in her speech titled "Eliminating the "Ums", "ands" and other pesky words" (Presentation Mastery #1-1 - Icebreaker). It was evaluated by Christiane.
  2. Helen shared her experience as a mentee in "Persuasion vs Encouragement" (Presentation Mastery #2-3 - Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring). Trish gave the evaluation.
  3. Christiane reported of her travel to Baarle in "Borders, enclaves and tourons" (Team Collaboration #3-20 - Researching and Presenting) which was evaluated by John.
  4. Jonathon educated us how to communicate better in his speech titled "Essential Conversations" (Effective Coaching #3-9 - Connect with Your Audience). Evaluator Peter congratulated him on bringing yet the most impressive prop along: his daughter.

Before the supper break, we were also sold on the raffle presented by Maddy ("something for everybody" aka gift card) and heard from George that we were running ahead of time.



Supper was provided by Jonathon and Peter - unfortunately, the photographers were too engrossed in the food (Scarlett had brought along some brownies too!)

The second half started with President Helen awarding Trish with the Level 5 award, followed by Trish giving us a quick overview what she had learnt finishing the Visionary Communication path.

We heard from Trish again when she gave us an educational of how to evaluate Table Topics.

In the Table Topic segment, Table Topic Master John called on:

  1. TJ - listing ways to stay cool
  2. Christiane - "If only"
  3. Maddy - she really tried to compare the summer in Melbourne with Brisbane (!)
  4. Brett - cold place
  5. Scarlett - island resort
  6. Paul - "sick"

The Table Topics were evaluated by Peter and Gail H.

Paul reported on the usage of "Temperate" and was impressed that we were able to use it in speeches and Table Topics. To noone's surprise, Trish didn't restrain herself and was the clear winner.

Paul had also prepared 3 little stories for "Two Truths and A Lie" about driving holidays, but the majority of members was able to pick the lie.

Area Director David was able to remind us of upcoming conferences, area vs club changes and encouraged us to think about becoming Area directors ourselves in July.

Maddy asked visitor Sophia to draw the raffle: Helen won the gift card.

Helen gave us a quick general evaluation since we were running late before she asked guests for comments (two guests - Scarlett and Eoin - will be members in the next meeting) and handed out awards.

Best Speech - Jonathon

Best Evaluation - John

Best Table Topic - Christiane

Most Improved - Julie & Christiane

We will meet again on 25 February, encouraged to bring a book for a book swap.

Friday, 31 January 2025

Meeting 1167 " Family Camping"

Our first meeting in 2025. It was great to be back after a long break during the Christmas holiday season. We were delighted to have 2 first time guests, Scarlett and Eoin, as well as Robert, a return visitor.

President Helen welcomed everyone to the meeting and presented John with a certificate and badge for completing Level 5 in the Engaging Humour Path. John delivered a short acceptance speech on what he had learned from the path.

John & Helen

John's acceptance speech

Toastmaster Gail introduced the theme of the meeting. Carmy (in the absence of our VPE) announced the programme changes.

Gail W

Amy proposed a toast to "Adventures lying ahead."  
Brett introduced the word for the evening, "Chieftaincy," meaning leadership.


Round Robin Master Liz asked "What was your first camping holiday and how did you exercise your chieftaincy? There were some interesting answers and nearly everyone used the word "chieftaincy."

There were 5 prepared speeches. Chris told us about the motorcycle accident he had last year and his ongoing recovery.

His evaluator Paul commented on Chris's good use of props. 

John showed and spoke about his life story book "Life of Pa" that he had written for his grandchildren, with the aid of the Storyworth programme.  His speech was evaluated by Helen.



Maddie's speech (her second) was about the wonders of the under-sea world, and she showed some photos on her Ipad.
It was evaluated by Peter.

Gail used a conversational tone to talk about her "Motorcycle Adventures" and was evaluated by Narelle.


Carmy spoke about her work with autistic children and showed us her chart of "Bus rules and seating plan for autistic children." Her speech was evaluated by Amy. 


Paul's raffle was a bottle of red wine, a bottle of white wine and a box of chocolates. It was won by Helen.

Rosie provided a delicious supper. 

Trish introduced the Table Topics and called on Liz, Brett, and guests Eoin and Scarlett to each speak for 2 minutes.
She had wisely asked the guests if they would like to participate, and they performed well. We don't usually call on first time visitors! It was also Brett's first time to answer a TT topic.


Liz - "Pack 3 things for camping trip."
Brett - "Camping Menu"

Eoin - "Camping location"
Scarlett - "What luxury item"

 The Table Topics were evaluated by Rosie.


While the votes were being collected Toastmaster Gail told some camping jokes which were appreciated.

Trish, Paul & Peter

In his role of News Commentator, George spoke about the Australian of the Year, Neale Daniher, AO, co-founder of  FightMND.

Timekeeper Helen announced that we were running way over time. 

Timekeeper Helen & Scarlett

General Evaluator Marlene spoke mainly about the need to keep the meeting running to time and suggested allowing time on the programme for participants moving to the lectern & clapping etc. Speakers keeping within time limits, fewer items on the programme, shortening Round Robin responses when there are many attendees, etc.


The award winners of the evening were Amy & Maddie (Most Improved,) Scarlett (Best Table Topic,) John (Best Speech,) and Helen (Best Evaluation.)

Award winners 28 Jan 2005

 The next meeting will be on the 11th February.

Friday, 13 December 2024

10th December 2024 "Christmas Meeting"

 Our Christmas Breakup was fun! Here are some photos.

S.A.A Paul
Christmas Toast by Carmy

President Helen
TM Peter

Word Master Trish
Round Robin Jonathon


Christiane & Carmy
Peter & Trish

The Incredible Toppo
Christmas Quiz

Helen - Fortunately - Unfortunately

Invocation by Chris


Everyone contributed

Secret Santa introduced by Marlene
Peter D

Peter S

Peter S



Cleaning Up

Next Meeting 28th January 2025. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! See you all in 2005.